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Responses: 6
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
Why are the internal affairs of another State our concern? Slavery currently exists throughout the Muslim world. There are open air markets selling men today in Libya. Do we blame O and HRC for that politically made foreign disaster? And last we can point to the History of Now. You Liberals had no issue with Obama ordering the drone strike on three Americans. Silence. But now you have an issue.
MSgt Neil Greenfield
MSgt Neil Greenfield
6 y
LTC (Join to see) - I beg to differ. And I think you meant MSNBC, which I actually do not seek out. I did perform a search on MSNBC's website and there was coverage on the killing of US citizens through drone strikes. There was plenty of coverage from both the liberal and conservative news sites on the killing of US citizens through drone strikes. And this topic still has nothing to do with disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi.

SFC J Fullerton
SFC J Fullerton
6 y
Just more "Whataboutisms" to justify an action or behavior. Sen. Graham has a problem with this, does that make him a "liberal" too?
MSgt Neil Greenfield
MSgt Neil Greenfield
6 y
MCPO Roger Collins - True, but which party had majority control of both chambers when the law was passed during the 2015-2016 term? This piece of legislation had to be agreed to by the majority power in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
6 y
MSgt Neil Greenfield Until signed into law by the president, it’s just another bill in Reid’s dead letter desk drawer. It’s still full from his time as Senate Majority Leader.
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Cpl Jeff N.
Saudi citizen killed in Turkey by other Saudi's at the Saudi consulate. Exactly what should be doing at this moment we are not? This is not a US issue at all. We area applying pressure for an investigation and, I think, helping Turkey with some resources.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
6 y
MSgt Neil Greenfield - If we are going to put our efforts into all the wrong doing of our allies we will be very, very busy. This is a Saudi citizen killed in Turkey by Saudi nationals. It is a crime possibly supported by the regime. If they put his body parts in a diplomatic pouch and sent them back to Saudi, there will be little to discover.

Our Congress oftens wastes a lot of time worrying about things not in our vital national interests. They like to grandstand and get offended forgetting that we regularly kill innocent people with drone strikes, which I don't get excited about either.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
6 y
SFC J Fullerton - That lead in portion in the quotation marks you provided above appears to be the writers interpretation of what Trump said, their opinion only. If he said "you're innocent until proven guilty", what is so outlandish about that concept?

He has also said that he is waiting for an investigation to be complete. Is there something wrong with that too or should he pronounce guilt or innocence before it is done? I am not sure what you expect.
SFC J Fullerton
SFC J Fullerton
6 y
Cpl Jeff N. - No, those are his exact words and there is audio of it too. You can't blame the media for reporting the President's comments. I guess what I expect is the President of the United States to be more responsible in what he says and how he says it. Obviously there is nothing wrong with the concept, but when put into the context that he did, it is not appropriate of the POTUS. The guy talks out of both sides of his mouth and has done it his whole public life. He will give one position, then turn around and say shit to totally contradict what he said before. Not to mentioned the hundreds of verifiable outright LIES he says on an almost daily basis.
SFC J Fullerton
SFC J Fullerton
6 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Again with the "whataboutisms" to validate and justify the present. Can we just focus on the now? Can we set aside the right vs. left and be objective for a change? Not all criticism of President Trump is rooted in political ideological bias. The fact is the overwhelming circumstantial evidence points to a journalist being murdered in the Saudi consulate with members of the Crown Prince's security detail present. Yet they firmly deny it, and the POTUS defends them. The bigger issue to all this is that the Saudis were embolden to do it knowing there would be no consequence from the U.S. How is this leadership from a position of strength when the POTUS dismisses such behavior? Just like Helsenki, it a display of weakness and patronization by appeasing an autocrat regime.
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
10 million to Clinton Foundation...humm
PVT Mark Zehner
PVT Mark Zehner
6 y
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