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Responses: 6
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Scathing? I didn't see anything "scathing" about it. She just said that in a legal standpoint there would be no way to take this to a trial or file criminal charges. That's a fact I think everyone can agree - any 36 year old allegation of any crime wouldn't get into a court room unless there was some evidence like photographs or video or anything like that.

This wasn't a trial anyway. She also specifically said her opinion is from a legal standpoint and only a legal standpoint.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
6 y
LTC David Brown - When falsely accused of sexual assault, did you try to avoid the investigation into the matter? Generally those employing the "can't remember" line as a dodge do not specifically request additional investigation.

You do recall that that majority of documentation related to Kavanaugh's career was held until the last minute, and then marked "Committee Confidential" to prevent it from seeing the light of day, right? Sounds pretty dubious. What are they trying to hide?

LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
6 y
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
6 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - exactly what does that have to do with his being a judge? We have a record of Kavanaugh as a judge. There is seperation of Powers and Attorney client privilege ( hint, Kavanaugh worked for the Bush Ehite House). Sorta like when Obama with held White House documents between between himself and Eric Holder when Holder lied to Congress. Keagan had never sat as a judge when she was appointed by Obama to the Supreme Court. All that, basically exist was her White House documents. Would you want every judge to be required to produce the documents when he served clients? Kavanaugh has a very extensive record. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/07/31/senate-digs-through-record-1-million-pages-documents-kavanaugh/864516002/
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
6 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Oh, one other thing, many documents were released, some Democrats were just to stupid to realize it, ie. “The Spatacus moment “.
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MCPO Roger Collins
This woman has extensive experience in sexual assault cases, was on Anita Hill defense team, worked for Janet Napolitano (Obama) And a Democrat Governor of AZ placed her in a key role in her Cabinet. Now, let’s go into Ms Ford’s background and her legal team recommended by Democrats to George Soros. All that can take place after Kavanaugh is seated on the SCOTUS by the end of the week.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Of course they will keep quiet.
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