Prosecutor who questioned Christine Blasey Ford dismantles Ford’s case in scathing detail
This wasn't a trial anyway. She also specifically said her opinion is from a legal standpoint and only a legal standpoint.
Judge Kavanaugh’s record in criminal cases - SCOTUSblog
By now, followers of the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to the U.S. Supreme Court have a flood of information to consider. (Whether it is enough or not is a matter on which political partisans intensely disagree.) Further, when i
Kavanaugh's Female Clerks Tout His Advocacy for Female Lawyers | National Law Journal
In our view the judge has been one of the strongest advocates in the federal judiciary for women lawyers 18 female former law clerks to Brett Kavanaugh said in a letter Thursday to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Senate digs through record 1 million pages of documents on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh
Senators have begun the deepest dive ever into the writings of a Supreme Court nominee, digging into a record 1 million-plus pages of documents from Brett Kavanaugh's career as a judge and White House attorney. But Democrats and Republicans are battling over whether they should have access to more.