Posted on Sep 27, 2018
Two men say they, not Brett Kavanaugh, had alleged sexual encounter with Christine Ford
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Well by her own admission she said she did not remember allot of details, like how she got there etc, So far no one has done more than make accusations but none of even come close to having any proof. Others have said this is all a scam to push back everything until after midterms, who knows right now its just a circus.
I saw this story break over night. I can tell you that on a number of occasions when talking with friends from the Marines or even high school, they will tell a story and think that I was there and I will say, that wasn't me. I wasn't there. In their mind, I was, because we were together so much and their memory is altered by what think happened vs what actually happened. I can even demonstrate I was not there by saying, nope, I was PCS's before that event or something else. They just look at me and say, I could have sworn you were there.
Now there are these two guys. Their recollection is as valid as Kavanaughs accuser. This is why you can't/don't wait 35 year to make an accusation. Your memory is not as good as you think. No one's is after that long. You fill in what you don't actually know with what you think happened. You place others at events they were not at etc.
Having said all that, I think Christine Ford made all of this up about Kavanaugh on purpose with the intent to derail his nomination, period.
Now there are these two guys. Their recollection is as valid as Kavanaughs accuser. This is why you can't/don't wait 35 year to make an accusation. Your memory is not as good as you think. No one's is after that long. You fill in what you don't actually know with what you think happened. You place others at events they were not at etc.
Having said all that, I think Christine Ford made all of this up about Kavanaugh on purpose with the intent to derail his nomination, period.
This all reeks of political gamesmanship and it is furthering the divide in our country. The largest issue I have with the whole thing (aside from her inability to come forward with specific facts) is that she went to a Senator with the accusations and not law enforcement personnel. If this was such a huge issue for her, why didn't she file a report years ago. No, let's what until he goes before a confirmation hearing to become a Supreme Court Justice, she's feels comfortable to come forward? Come on - total BS. Every person she's identified as being there has come out and said no they weren't. This is nothing more than stall tactics and attempting to delay everything until after the mid term elections for the Democrats. They always seem to pull the sexual assault card anytime something isn't going their way and the use the media to fully exploit that tactic.
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