Posted on Sep 20, 2018
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
It has happened reference Trent Lott. All over the news.

Under Fire, Lott Apologizes for His Comments at Thurmond's Party
Sen Trent Lott apologizes for his speech at Sen Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party that critics call implicit endorsement of racial segregation; denies embracing discarded policies of past; move follows statement earlier in day that stopped short of apology; former Vice Pres Al Gore, before apology, held Lott made racist statement and called on Senate to censure him unless he apologized, televsion interview; Mississippi Gov Ronnie Musgrove,...
Supporting black Americans??
What a laugh!
What O'Rouke said is true. There are many jobs out there that are not being filed because our American workers don't want to do them, while those coming here to better there lives are willing to do so. Been that way forever.
Supporting black Americans??
What a laugh!
What O'Rouke said is true. There are many jobs out there that are not being filed because our American workers don't want to do them, while those coming here to better there lives are willing to do so. Been that way forever.
MSG Stan Hutchison
CPT (Verify To See) - Not true at all. I am speaking for historical fact. It is not a matter of left or right, legal or illegal. It is a matter of the work not getting done at a wage most Americans would work for. This is not anything new.
Want to stop (or slow) illegal immigration? Go after the employers that hire them. Most illegals come here for wages. Cut that off and they would not come. But, to cut that off would require the employers to pay higher wages, which would end up costing all of us.
Want to stop (or slow) illegal immigration? Go after the employers that hire them. Most illegals come here for wages. Cut that off and they would not come. But, to cut that off would require the employers to pay higher wages, which would end up costing all of us.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Force? That's not what he said. He's talking about healthy capable people on welfare who have a choice. Once their welfare period ends, get a job or don't get paid. As you said, the jobs exist.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
MSG, I am speaking to the reference of the "Cotton Gin" work for illegal immigrants stated to an African American. I think deep down you know that this reference would have sparked a nerve if spoken by someone on the other side of the political isle.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
CPT Gregory Hafera -
"Illegal Immigration is a lot like slavery" - What employers do when they knowingly and illegally hire illegal immigrants essentially is slavery.
"started voting Republican" - No they didn't, they voted Democrat. Today neither side condones slavery. Those that do and claim one side over the other do not subscribe to the principles of either, nor do they speak for me.
"In fact the only difference between illegal immigration and slavery is the the illegal immigrant is coming here voluntarily." - Not entirely, human trafficking is alive and strong within the illegal immigration community.
"We have to take a step back and remember that slavery pretty much was the state of humanity" - We need to take a step back and realize that enabling illegal immigration is inhumane and needs to be dealt with. I don't want to close our borders to keep people out, I want to close them to monitor who comes in and enable our ability to control the numbers for our own national interests. it sound harsh I realize but to open the doors will only result in the downfall of this country. We simply cannot sustain that many people.
"So what do we do about it?" - We already made it illegal to employ them. This has been the law since as far back as Reagan. Back then he made a deal with Democrats. amnesty for those already here but we impose the employment laws to discourage more from coming here illegally. The Dems have not exactly been living up to their end of the deal by offering them government services and suggesting we do more like allow them to vote.
"The wall" is not the end all to this problem but I believe it could help. What's frustrating is how much of a big deal the Dems make it out to be. Give him the wall and live up to the measures you agreed to in a future immigration bill. But they won't. 1. They can't give Trump a victory because this would galvanize his current base and likely bring more followers. 2. They aren't actually serious about the concessions they've offered because they know it will take a polarizing issue against Republicans out of the mix. 3. They will likely lose votes from the far left side which wants open borders. This is all about votes and building the base. If the Republicans succeed in a good immigration bill which also places them in the good graces of future Latino voters, the Dems know they will loose big.
"Illegal Immigration is a lot like slavery" - What employers do when they knowingly and illegally hire illegal immigrants essentially is slavery.
"started voting Republican" - No they didn't, they voted Democrat. Today neither side condones slavery. Those that do and claim one side over the other do not subscribe to the principles of either, nor do they speak for me.
"In fact the only difference between illegal immigration and slavery is the the illegal immigrant is coming here voluntarily." - Not entirely, human trafficking is alive and strong within the illegal immigration community.
"We have to take a step back and remember that slavery pretty much was the state of humanity" - We need to take a step back and realize that enabling illegal immigration is inhumane and needs to be dealt with. I don't want to close our borders to keep people out, I want to close them to monitor who comes in and enable our ability to control the numbers for our own national interests. it sound harsh I realize but to open the doors will only result in the downfall of this country. We simply cannot sustain that many people.
"So what do we do about it?" - We already made it illegal to employ them. This has been the law since as far back as Reagan. Back then he made a deal with Democrats. amnesty for those already here but we impose the employment laws to discourage more from coming here illegally. The Dems have not exactly been living up to their end of the deal by offering them government services and suggesting we do more like allow them to vote.
"The wall" is not the end all to this problem but I believe it could help. What's frustrating is how much of a big deal the Dems make it out to be. Give him the wall and live up to the measures you agreed to in a future immigration bill. But they won't. 1. They can't give Trump a victory because this would galvanize his current base and likely bring more followers. 2. They aren't actually serious about the concessions they've offered because they know it will take a polarizing issue against Republicans out of the mix. 3. They will likely lose votes from the far left side which wants open borders. This is all about votes and building the base. If the Republicans succeed in a good immigration bill which also places them in the good graces of future Latino voters, the Dems know they will loose big.
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