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Responses: 7
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Evidence that it was not co-incidence ? Or are we going with the Alex Jones standard of "truth"?
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
6 y
I believe I used the word "Coincidence". But having read a LOT of your posts in the past, you've pushed plenty for a lot less.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
You assembles some randonm facts that might somehome supported yor agenda, but are essentialy meaningless without evidence of connection. Then sead Coincidence in the way Birthers, truthers, and the rest of the tin-foil media does. Conspiracy theorist 101
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
6 y
Agenda? I noted a coincidence and stated it as such. But hey, if you want to completely support and believe someone who accuses another without any evidence, but has a LOT of coincidental information leading people to potentially not believe her, have at it.

I'm sure that deep down you're already thinking her accusations are weak at best, but you're the one who constantly pushes agendas here, so spare me your tin foil hat suggestions.

I'm pushing out nothing but fact and I made no support for one person over another.
Fact 1 - Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault from an accuser who has zero evidence to support her claim.
Fact 2 - Kavanaugh has no other similar accusations being pushed at this time.
Fact 3 - A significant number of people who have known Kavanaugh since High School have come out to speak for him in his defense.
Fact 4 - Ford spoke to her therapist back in 2012 but offers nothing since that session (why is that by the way?), and has since not told anyone else but her husband.
Fact 5 - Ford goes to Sen Feinstein finally in 2018 when Kavanaugh is up for SCOTUS. But forget the fact that she could have done this when he pushed for Impeachment of Clinton (for what... Sexual Harassment), when he worked for the White House, or as a Circuit judge. None of those times were a good time to bring this up.
Fact 6 - Ford took a polygraph test and reportedly passed (according to her lawyer). Note, this is not admissible in court and she happens to have a PhD in Clinical Psychology (which I would argue may or may not afford her the knowledge of how to beat a polygraph test). If, and emphasize if, because I don't think he would do this, Kavanaugh took a polygraph which stated otherwise, would you really believe it? I would argue no.
Fact 6 - Kavanaugh was in fact believed to be one of the candidates for the SCOTUS even as far back as 2012 (the Liberal New Yorker conveys that) and if you think the Dems don't prepare for such possibilities well ahead of time, you're a lot more naive than you look.
Fact 7 - Early on in the election season, it was believed Romney had a pretty good chance of beating Obama. Thus making a GOP SCOTUS pick more likely. The reason I pushed it out is to add context to those who are using the argument that she brought this up 6 years ago. That makes me ask why? Why not come out then?
Fact 8 - Ford is a registered Democrat, she's donated to the DNC, and she has actively spoken out against President Trump on subjects not related to sexual assault.
Fact 9 - Three people know exactly what happened back then when they were in high school, all minors, allegedly at a party with no parents present. Two claim it never happened. Are you going to just take her word for it based on what she said in 2012 to her husband and therapist and a polygraph?

Now, these are all facts, one of which is not "Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford back in High School." I have not told you to believe one person over the other, but I will tell you that I fully believe in innocence before proven guilty. Currently she has zero evidence to support her claim. I also find the timing suspect and frustrating. Not because I like Kavanaugh as a SCOTUS candidate, but because accusations like this, if proven false or are presented late in the game with no evidence, make people apathetic to future accusations. When that happens more people get away with sexual assault. I don't want someone who is prone to sexual assault serving in the SCOTUS. But I also don't want to see people's name and reputations smeared by false accusation to score political wins.
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Capt Jeff S.
Timing is everything. Along with unmitigated voter fraud and election rigging, it appears frivolous accusations of sexual harassment and assault have been added to the Democrats SOP. If she was so traumatized by his conduct, why did she wait so long to bring it up? And doesn’t it strike you as oddly coincidental that the timing of her revelations coincides with Kavanaugh’s consideration for the bench!?? Her accusations don’t seem to jibe with any of the testimony of several women that worked with Kavanaugh who express the utmost admiration for the man. There are no witnesses and it boils down to one person’s word against the other. So who are we to believe? Isn’t it obvious?
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SSG Environmental Specialist
This is just another ploy by the left, a last ditch effort to stall his conformation hearing until after the mid-term elections and hope they win enough seats to keep him out. My question is, this confirmation hearing has been going on for weeks, why now at this late hour. desperation thats why.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
6 y
Why the hurry they recently held up a SC votr for over a years with no rational reason given, but now they are whining like babies over a few days.
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