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Responses: 2
SSG Program Control Manager
I agree that we should all have the ability to compose our own mind and speak it publicly without fear from the nation-state. It is not clear what is meant by International Liberal Order, however we do know liberalism to be a political and moral philosophy based on liberty and equality.

Referring to the establishment of liberty and equality for all people as Imperialism doesn't seem to make a lot of sense, unless someone is defending privileges or advantages afforded to someone by wealth, social class, race, etc... voicing those opinions is of course perfectly legal, however that doesn't mean your going to get a pass from people who value liberty and equality.
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MSgt Steve Sweeney
Edited 6 y ago
"demands for conformity to a single universal standard in speech and religion" - You mean like demanding people speak English or banning Muslims?

I find it amusing to hear conservatives talk at length about their disdain for "political correctness", and then lose their minds when someone kneels during the national anthem. How they talk about their fear of "big government" while serving in the military and cheering when the president starts talking about locking up journalists and political opponents, or how people who write op-eds should be "turned over to the government".

It is almost as if conservatives are entirely unaware that they are the very thing they fear.
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