Posted on Jul 28, 2018
Russian Hackers Targeted The Most Vulnerable Part Of U.S. Elections. Again
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
I remember when all of this hit the news, and they sounded so surprised. I ask myself what planet have you been living on? The Russians are always up to no good, and this is nothing new. Truth is they would be real surprised who all did a little election meddling.
I never had anything to do with that but I limited my services to shoot 'em in the face kind of services hahaha. Oh hell, I guess if "they" ask me or told me to do a little meddling I would haha
I never had anything to do with that but I limited my services to shoot 'em in the face kind of services hahaha. Oh hell, I guess if "they" ask me or told me to do a little meddling I would haha
Alan K.
Gotta' cast the blame somewhere....Hell, everywhere but on good old Hillary....She lost it all by herself...God bless her, the one thing she has done right...!
SPC Andrew Ross
I like the way you think, Alan K., ..."the one thing she has done right..." Hahahaha!
The best way to ensure integrity at the ballot is to require voter ID, which is anathema to democrats, because with it they could never win an election.
Patricia Overmeyer
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - You do not have to have an identification form of any kind to buy a gun at the gun shows. I know, I bought a gun at a recent gun show. Didn't even ask me for an id. And these gun shows come through our town at least once every five weeks. Didn't need an id to buy ammo either. There is no regulation over the gun shows.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Patricia Overmeyer - That depends on what state the purchase is made in, the rules vary state by state. In Massachusetts You cannot even handle a handgun for example let alone purchase it from a dealer or at a show without presenting a Valid Pistol permit which has a picture. For rifles and shotguns you must have a valid Firearms ID card which unlike the Pistol permit doesn't have a picture so then a valid drivers license or other Government issued ID must be shown. This isn't even recent here, its pretty much always been that. In Massachusetts You cannot have a permit without an criminal background check first before the permit is even issued. I don't know which state You reside in so of course don't know what laws do or don't apply there but from what You describe ts sounds like a state where its not very difficult at all.
SPC Andrew Ross
Patricia Overmeyer - Most gun shows I have attended have both federally licensed gun dealers, who are required by law to do background checks on their weapons purchasers; also there are private gun sellers (unlicensed) who are not required to do background checks in many jurisdictions. You may have purchased through private parties.
MSG Stan Hutchison
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - There is simply not evidence to point to any substantial voter fraud, by either party, anywhere. Yes, there is a lot of allegations. a lot of propaganda, a lot of "fake news" about the subject, but very little actual proof.
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