"Since their inception, the Afghan and Iraqi SIV programs have had their share of problems. By law, SIV applications need to be processed within nine months, but oftentimes it takes years. The lag time is what drove Zeller and Shinwari, finally reunited in the Washington, D.C. suburbs, to start a nonprofit called No One Left Behind in 2013 that helps Afghan and Iraqi citizens obtain special immigrant visas and resettle in the United States. In five years, they’ve helped 6,000 families, but the sudden slowdown in processing is a worrisome trend that could seriously hamper their efforts as the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown gains momentum."
So how is this Trump's fault, since the problems started long before his election to office. Like that article states there have been major problems with the program from the very beginning and in this particular case (Afghanistan) 2009 shortly after Obama became President. The organization profiled was created 5 years before Donald Trump became President.
It is also interesting to note that the TV show NCIS even had an episode highlighting the issue of terrorist being able to make it through the SIV dragnet, long before Trump ever became President.