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Responses: 5
LTC Immigration Judge
What kind of lawyer?

One who knew he was dealing with a very dishonest client and wanted to protect himself.

Seemed he made the right choice.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) Wanted an Expert Opinion whether it was Kosher, Because I Know that I would to Cover My Ass when Dealing with Someone like Trump.
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Almost all of the time Cohen was doing these types of things for Trump he was acting as a fixer and not a lawyer. That's why most of the documents seized were ruled to not be under attorney client privilege.
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MAJ Grant Gutkowski
Political opinions, leanings, tendencies, a/o alleged actions and insanties aside, was this action ethical? When you hire a lawyer... integrity, ethics, and trustworthiness are hallmark qualities. Could this be action be worthy of a board review or disbarment?
MAJ Grant Gutkowski
MAJ Grant Gutkowski
>1 y
I don't know enough about the esoterics of the law to say that any crime was committed.
Discussing a crime doesn't do much unless it's acted on (or maybe entered as proof of intent or some such). However, it seems more likely to me that this article is being published as a continued attempt to sway public opinion. I don't see any charges cropping up against the President for it, but I see a lot of finger waggers with more fuel in their boilers.

Honestly, in my humble opinion, the story would have had more credibility if it WAS published in the National Enquirer (MIB anyone?). Fox and CNN are hard to stomach nowadays.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
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Actually, when you are hiring a fixer, integrity and ethics are not high on the list of qualities you want him to have. In fact, those qualities would impede his ability to make problems go away. Only loyalty is required. And Cohen gave him that until Trump threw him under the bus.
MAJ Grant Gutkowski
MAJ Grant Gutkowski
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - So what's the difference between a "Lawyer" and a "Fixer", if they are both the same person in different roles? Does client confidentiality not apply? Or, is confidentiality subject to the role said person is playing at the time?
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
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MAJ Grant Gutkowski - as I understand it from reading about Cohen's seized papers, the law distinguishes stuff that is done as a lawyer vs other stuff that is not considered legal services and therefore the attorney client privilege doesn't apply. That's why the courts appointed that special master to go through all the documents seized and identify which ones actually carried attorney client privilege, and found that only a small percentage were covered. So just because someone is a lawyer and does legal work for you doesn't mean that everything you say to him on any subject is covered by attorney client privilege. But IANAL so it's not a legal opinion. :)
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