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Responses: 4
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Apparently in Helena they don't care about political affiliation or your race or ethnicity (for the most part): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEJnJI5zCDs

This guy said he campaigned by walking around and knocking on doors.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Edited 6 y ago
The lady needs to read the paper now and then to see what politicion is in town.
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MAJ Byron Oyler
The headline should read, "Woman calls police on a representative campaigning in Oregon." How many people would read it? Why does the media need to always place the race in the article? Racism existed long before any of us were born and will exist long after. Not saying that is right but certainly saying the media adding fuel to the issue is NOT HELPING. Who benefits in Florida knowing about this happening in Oregon? Or over here in Texas? All this article does in my opinion in Texas is upset people that would not have otherwise known and achieves nothing good.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
6 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
6 y
MAJ Byron Oyler - That's the best you got? First off, are little children selling water suspicious? Or just black children? Is it suspicious to see a group of people having a barbecue in a public place that's purpose is to have barbecues? Or just black people? Also - kids swimming at a public pool are suspicious? Or just black kids? How about chasing someone down who has an Afghan flag on their car - and an American flag? That's suspicious enough to follow and harass someone?

If that woman had seen a strange white woman knocking on doors I guarantee she wouldn't have called the police. Nor would the police have been called in the other instances if they had been white. Are you telling me you think it's okay to blatantly harass people based on the color of their skin? That's what happened in all the incidents I mentioned. Racists are brazen and showing off their racism in public more and more. Calling the police on black people just for being black.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
6 y
How do you guarantee she would not have called on a white person, did she provide this in a written contract to you? It really sounds to me that you would or would not call the police based on someone's skin color and that is pure racism.
PO2 Bill Reardon
PO2 Bill Reardon
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff just a cranky old white guy
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