Posted on Jun 23, 2018
Trump press secretary Sarah Sanders ejected from Virginia restaurant
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
The more bullsh@t crap like this the left pulls, the more people leave their cause. She handled it with class!
This is what’s wrong with America. When did political views change where you can eat. I would wrap that business up in so many lawsuits that they would have to close the doors. The owners deserve to pay for their idiotic actions.
SCPO (Join to see)
I need to quit reading about or watching any news. Its almost always disturbing...the news and the news people.
I seem to remember how the left was apoplectic that a baker wouldn't serve a gay couple... now it is okay to refuse service to Sanders because she works for the President. The left's hypocritical flip flops are giving me whiplash!
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