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LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Thank you my friend Maj Marty Hogan for making us aware that on June 21, 1921 American film actress Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell who was one of Hollywood's leading sex symbols in the 1940s and 1950s was born in Bemidji, Minnesota, USA.
A political conservative, she sided publicly with an industry panel that urged the removal of certain provocative scenes in one of her films.
A born-again Christian decades before the term was coined, she held weekly Bible study at her home which was attended by some of the industry's biggest names.
A longtime pro-life activist
Rest in eternal peace Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell

Background from imdb.com/name/nm0000066/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm
"Born June 21, 1921 in Bemidji, Minnesota, USA
Died February 28, 2011 in Santa Maria, California, USA (respiratory failure)
Birth Name Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell
Nicknames Janie
The Brunette Bombshell
Height 5' 7" (1.7 m)
Mini Bio (1)
Ernestine Jane Geraldine Russell was born on June 21, 1921 in Bemidji, Minnesota. Her father was a United States Army lieutenant and her mother had been a student of drama and an actress with a traveling troupe. Once Mr. Russell was mustered out of the service, the family took up residence in Canada, but moved to California when he found employment there. The family was well-to-do and although Jane was the only girl among four brothers, her mother saw to it that she took piano lessons. In addition to music, Jane was interested in drama much as her mother had been and participated in high school stage productions. Upon graduation, Jane took a job as a receptionist for a doctor who specialized in foot disorders. Although she had originally planned on being a designer, her father died and she had to go to work to help the family. Jane modeled on the side and was very much sought-after especially because of her figure.

She managed to save enough money to go to drama school, with the urging of her mother. She was ultimately signed by Howard Hughes for his production of The Outlaw (1943) in 1941, the film that was to make Jane famous. The film was not a classic by any means, but was geared to show off Jane's ample physical assets. Although the film was made in 1941, it was not released until two years later and then only on a limited basis due to the way the film portrayed Jane's assets. It was hard for the flick to pass the censorship board. Finally, the film gained general release in 1946. The film was a smash at the box-office.

Jane did not make another film until 1946 when she played Joan Kenwood in Young Widow (1946). She had signed a seven year contract with Hughes and it seemed the only films he would put her in were those that displayed Jane in a very flattering light due to her body. Films such as His Kind of Woman (1951) and The Las Vegas Story (1952) did nothing to showcase her true acting abilities. Probably the pinnacle of her career was in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) as Dorothy Shaw, with Marilyn Monroe. This film showed Jane's comedic side very well. Jane did continue to make films throughout the 1950s, but the films were at times not up to par, particularly with Jane's talents being wasted in forgettable movies in order to show off her sexy side. Films such as Gentlemen Marry Brunettes (1955) and The Revolt of Mamie Stover (1956) did do Jane justice and were able to show exactly the fine actress she was.

After The Fuzzy Pink Nightgown (1957) (a flop), Jane took a hiatus from films, to dabble a little in television, returning in 1964 to film Fate Is the Hunter (1964). Unfortunately, the roles were not there anymore as Jane appeared in only four pictures during the entire decade of the 1960s. Her last film of the decade was The Born Losers (1967). After three more years away from the big screen, she returned to make one last film called Darker Than Amber (1970). Her last play before the public was in the 1970s when Jane was a spokesperson for Playtex bras. Had Jane not been wasted during the Hughes years, she could have been a bigger actress than what she was allowed to show. Jane Russell died at age 89 of respiratory failure on February 28, 2011 in Santa Maria, California.
- IMDb Mini Biography By: Denny Jackson

Spouse (3)
John Calvin Peoples (31 January 1974 - 9 April 1999) ( his death)
Roger Barrett (25 August 1968 - 18 November 1968) ( his death)
Robert Waterfield (24 April 1943 - 30 July 1968) ( divorced) ( 3 children)
Trade Mark (3)
Natural brunette hair
Voluptuous assets
Seductive deep voice
Trivia (40)

Received the Women's International Center (WIC) Living Legacy Award (1989).

Howard Hughes, in addition to designing airplanes, is said to have designed a "cantilever bra" to take care of her physical endowments.

She and husband Robert Waterfield adopted a baby girl, Tracy Waterfield, on February 15, 1952.

She and husband Robert Waterfield adopted a 15-month-old British boy, Tommy Kavanaugh, in December 1952.

First husband Robert Waterfield was her high school sweetheart.

Through her organization, World Adoption International Fund (WAIF), Russell has placed 51,000 children with adoptive families.

Her breasts are the namesake for "The Jane Russell Peaks" in Alaska.

Russell filed for divorce from Robert Waterfield on February 2, 1967.

Bob Hope once introduced her as "the two and only Jane Russell".

In 1955, she and husband Robert Waterfield formed Russ-Field Productions. Under this banner, they made Gentlemen Marry Brunettes (1955), The King and Four Queens (1956), Run for the Sun (1956) and The Fuzzy Pink Nightgown (1957).

Attended Van Nuys High School with James Dougherty, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) co-star Marilyn Monroe's first husband.

Married John Calvin Peoples in a "kaftan" ceremony in Santa Barbara, California.

A born-again Christian decades before the term was coined, she held weekly Bible study at her home which was attended by some of the industry's biggest names.

Unable to bear children, Russell championed the passage of the Federal Orphan Adoption Amendment of 1953, which allowed children of American servicemen born overseas to be placed for adoption in the United States.

Howard Hughes is reported to have said of her stardom, "There are two good reasons why men go to see her. Those are enough." (Source: quoted in the book "The Humour of Sex" by Robert Hale).
Her three adopted children are Tracy Waterfield, Thomas Waterfield and Buck Waterfield.

Attended the inauguration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953).

Leonardo DiCaprio visited Jane while filming The Aviator (2004) in order to find up close and personal what Howard Hughes was really like.

In 2006 (at age 84), she put together a musical show entitled "The Swinging Forties" that played twice a month at the Radisson Hotel. The show featured herself and about a dozen local Santa Maria (CA) residents, including a choir director, lay preacher and retired police officer. She formed the show out of boredom and because there was nothing much going on in town for the older folks to do.

The troops in Korea named two embattled hills in her honor.

A political conservative, she sided publicly with an industry panel that urged the removal of certain provocative scenes in one of her films.

Had macular degeneration and wore hearing aids in both ears until her death.

Retired to Santa Maria, California, after the death of her third husband in 1999 to be close to her youngest son.

In the late 1930s, she was a member of Max Reinhardt's Theatrical Workshop and attended Maria Ouspenskaya's Drama School for six months.

Jane was a tomboy as a little girl. She had four younger brothers: Tom, Kenny, James H. Russell and Wally Russell.

Profiled in "Killer Tomatoes: Fifteen Tough Film Dames" by Ray Hagen and Laura Wagner (McFarland, 2004).

A longtime pro-life activist, she opposed the use of abortion in any circumstance including rape or incest.

She was a member of America's Future.

Had been a vocal supporter of the Iraq War since its beginning in March 2003.

Has a street named after her in Iowa City, Iowa.

In 1942, she had an affair with John Payne. The affair is detailed in her autobiography, "My Path and My Detours" (1986). It ended when Jane realized that she was still in love with her high school sweetheart, football player Robert Waterfield, whom she married in April 1943 (they divorced in 1967).

Although rumors circulated that she was buried at Santa Barbara Cemetery, she was in fact cremated at Santa Barbara Cemetery and her ashes were scattered at sea.

She was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6850 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on February 8, 1960.

She passed away on February 28, 2011, four months away from what would have been her 90th birthday on June 21. One month after her death, another screen legend Elizabeth Taylor died at age 79.

Her brother James H. Russell had a small role in the musical comedy Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953).

She confesses in her biography that, unable to have children with her husband by the natural way, they adopted a British boy, but that brought them some problems with the British authorities. They eventually obtained American citizenship for him.

She and Raoul Walsh remained friends until his death on December 31, 1980.

Has eight grandchildren and ten great-grand children.

Was friends with Terry Moore.

Has never appeared in a Best Picture Oscar nominated film.

Personal Quotes (23)

Yes, Howard Hughes invented a bra for me. Or, he tried to. And one of the seamless ones like they have now. He was way ahead of his time. But I never wore it in The Outlaw (1943). And he never knew. He wasn't going to take my clothes off to check if I had it on. I just told him I did.
They held up The Outlaw (1943) for five years. And Howard Hughes had me doing publicity for it every day, five days a week for five years.
Publicity can be terrible. But only if you don't have any.

Sometimes the photographers would pose me in a low-necked nightgown and tell me to bend down and pick up the pails. They were not shooting the pails.

The girl with the summer-hot lips . . . and the winter-cold heart.

The music these kids play nowadays, it's nothing but screaming and pounding drums! You can't hear the words, and that's just as well, because the words stink!

[what she thinks of Hollywood liberals George Clooney, Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn I think they're not well.

[why modern Hollywood is so liberal] I think the '60s have happened between when I was there and now. A lot of the actors and actresses, their parents were '60s people and they just have a Democratic left wing--they flipped.

I have always been a Republican, and when I was in Hollywood long ago, most of the people there were Republican. The studio heads were all Republican, my boss Howard Hughes was a raving Republican, and we had a motion picture code in those days so they couldn't do all this naughty stuff. We had John Wayne, we had Charlton Heston, we had man named Ronald Reagan, we had Robert Mitchum, James Stewart, Clark Gable.
My son said, "Mother you can't say the word bigot because that has to do with nationalities and things." I said, "No darling, it's a verb. It means I can't stand these people who are trying to take the Ten Commandments off the wall, take prayer out of school and take prayer out of football games." It's too ridiculous. The Lord put this country together or we wouldn't be like we are.
[2003] These days I am a teetotal, mean-spirited, right-wing, narrow-minded, conservative Christian bigot, but not a racist.

People should never, ever have an abortion. Don't talk to me about it being a woman's right to choose what she does with her own body. The choice is between life and death.

[what happened when she found herself pregnant at age 18] The only solution was to find a quack and get an abortion. I had a botched abortion and it was terrible. Afterwards my own doctor said, "What butcher did this to you?". I had to be taken to hospital. I was so ill I nearly died. I've never known pain like it.

[2001] I want to save America. I do not want a one-world order, a one-world government, at all. I think that our Founding Fathers had exactly the right idea, and we've got a great country, and let's go back to God.

I've been working a lot to get the Bible back in schools because I think a great deal of our loss of wisdom as a society results from the fact that a lot of children have never read the Bible. I've been helping Elizabeth Ridenour [of the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools] get the Bible back in school by going on television shows for her. She's gotten it into 38 states and 117 school districts, and as a result of this effort 60,000 children have now been able to read the Bible.
I liked Condoleezza Rice. And Ann Coulter was great. She was so strong and forceful. But people kept asking me, "You're from Hollywood. Why are you here?". I very much wanted to tell them, as a whole group, that in my day Hollywood was Republican. All the heads of the studios were Republicans, and we were fighting communism. You had John Wayne and Charlton Heston and myself and Bob Mitchum, and President Ronald Reagan came right out of that same group. There were a few Democrats in Hollywood, but we thought they were crazy.

Music has gone just as bananas as the movies. But kids are learning swing and going back to the music of the '40s. There's a swing club near my home in Santa Barbara, and the kids are fantastic. There's no drinking, no smoking, just dancing all night long.

My father was a Republican, and he couldn't stand what Franklin D. Roosevelt was doing to the country. I always say I'm a mean-spirited, narrow-minded, right-wing, conservative Christian. I start out with that, and if you don't like it, you can lump it. I am not politically correct.
[2000] I can't tell you how distressed I've been during the past seven years of the [Bill Clinton] Administration, with one cheap and tawdry scandal erupting after another. And I thought Hollywood was bad! I was particularly disgusted by the radical feminists who tried to excuse the President's misbehavior, even as the testimony of his victims accumulated and it turned out that they weren't all "little girls from Little Rock". Apparently the poor soul doesn't know any better and just can't say no. It's been a terrible example for our young people. Even worse than the debasement of the office of the presidency and of greater concern is the damage that's been done to our national security by the Clinton Administration's lax policies and by its deliberate transfer of sensitive missile technology to China while at the same time accepting campaign contributions from that foreign power. Instead of looking forward to a century of peace at the beginning of the new millennium, we now face the very real prospect of World War III. Our military readiness has dropped fifty percent since Clinton took office and our soldiers are frantic.

It was always an accident; I wish I could take some of the credit. My mother used to say, "You have a path from heaven and if you fall off of it, it'll be a problem, Jane." It was always the case where no matter what way I wanted to go, the Lord wanted me to go this way.

I really think the 1940s were the best generation for Hollywood. Everybody was patriotic then. Nobody was talking the way they do now, against the soldiers. It was a different era, a different Hollywood then, and we respected our country, our leaders and our fighting men. Sure, I'll admit, I'm a mean-spirited, politically conservative old actress. I'm not bigoted against any race, just those idiots who want to spit on our soldiers' hard work or remove the Ten Commandments from our schools and courtroom walls.

[on her Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) co-star Marilyn Monroe] She once got her life so balled up that the studio hired a full-time secretary maid for her. So Marilyn soon got the secretary as balled up as she was, and she ended up waiting on the secretary, instead of vice-versa.

[on her sex appeal] Sex appeal is good--but not in bad taste. Then it's ugly. I don't think a star has any business posing in a vulgar way. I've seen plenty of pin-up pictures that have sex appeal, interest and allure, but they're not vulgar. They have little art in them. Marilyn Monroe's calendar was artistic.

Jane Russell: Body & Soul
A 1997 documentary on legendary movie icon, Jane Russell. A protege of billionaire, Howard Hughes, Jane Russell became a one of the most popular pinups of World War II and one of the biggest movie stars of the 1950s. She co-starred with Bob Hope, Clark Gable, Robert Mitchum and Marilyn Monroe. She was married three times. Her first husband was her high school sweetheart and famed football player, Bob Waterfield. They divorced after 23 years of marriage.
Jane died, surrounded by her family, at the age of 89 on February 28, 2011. Her ashes were scattered at sea

FYI SGT John MeredithMSgt John McGowanMSgt David M.LTC Jeff ShearerSGT Philip RoncariCPT Jim GallagherLt Col Jim CoeCWO3 Dennis M.SGT (Join to see)PO3 Bob McCordSgt Albert Castro1SG John MillanSSgt Boyd Herrst TSgt Rodney BidingerSGT Jim ArnoldSFC Randy PurhamCDR (Join to see) MSG Brian Ross PO3 Phyllis Maynard
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
>1 y
When a young boy(about 14,15?) I had bathing suit pics[more tasteful than what ‘girls’ today are wear, are not wearing.. I had the pics on the backs of My room’s door, on the wall, some Nat’ Geographics that Grandma gave me ... I wasn’t aware of the word ‘lust’ them days, may have heard it had I gone to the churches that preached that ...
(To not ..) . I think now about the ‘born agsin’ Christian part.. I surmise it was ok to wear form fitting bathing suits rather than the ones that had a lot extra to hide the curves... like in the ‘20’s .. and she wore as a toddler and young girl moving up.. The pics I had up were under pics of heroes like Audie Murphy(whose B’day was June 20th) and John Wayne and other Western heroes.. I was limited to 9x12 pics by rule of mom... (I got around her rule... in contiguous classes I made frames with a eye hook into the top .. to have two sides so I could have pics facing both ways... I had to have pic hangers that had enough nail out of the wall to hang the pic on.. the one I seen didn’t have those.. an adjustment and out of pocket additional costs.. fund some penny nails that were long enough, Strong enough and still fit.. So I bougt picture Hanger kits for big mural type pics and the eye hooks that the nails fit through.. I paid my own shop fees out of paper rte money that would be soon gone as I worked more hours in my Great Aunty’s and Uncle’s Restaurant.
(Uncle Ralph put me onto Jane Russel’s pic)... I don’t know what Aunty thought of that.. I didn’t think I should venture to inquire.. out of respect to her.. Aunty was a beautiful woman also, just a wee more plump.. I thought then that Jane Russell was about Dad’s age
(10 years younger). Gina Lollabrigida was another great looker that adorned my double frame pics .. when I got done making them by end of 9th grade year.. I had 30 frames (60 pics worth). That year in April was a Parent-teacher conference... I had to leave my last project on display...
If mom or some other parent seem that andfigured my motive was ulterior... I may not get picture frame back... AHA! I found a picture of a really nice Culinary favorite.. on back pic I had diagram for preparing the bird or whatever it was.. that would show I did not have an ulterior motive in my head/
Heart.. from what the observer seen at that time.. after conference I got my frame back..
I left that pic intact for a long time.
Mom liked it, showed to Aunty.. well she wanted one like it.. on a bigger scale.. We’ll I would be in 10th grade that next year and woodshop was not on my schedule of classes..
The only class was English, Math, gov’t-Police-History and Culinary and AFJROTC on alternating morns and Vo-tech and work at Aunty and Uncle’s Restaurant on Afternoons.
“Your Uncle had a shop in his garage”. She said.. you can work on my frame on the clock on weekends when the vo-tech person will not be working..(they like going to student Jobs.. see them actually at work.. I liked and I didn’t kinda liked<-[under state law; minor relations can operate large floor mixers/ buffalo Chopper, meat slicers ,autotenderizer attachments to Hobart machines, Steam jacket pressure cooker(on a stand, not attached to a kettle on a stove top.)
and be at least 14.. other youth had to be minimally 18 {Aunty circumvented the state law by legally adopting me..
Mom and dad at that time had a financial difficulty and dad’s lawyer on paper made it look worse so they could do the ruse for Aunty to
Circumvent the labor law and adopting me.. I lived there with them.. going back and forth..etc., }
I was really good at those pieces of equipment -using and cleaning..
I didn’t look at it at that time as a ‘child labor’ issue.. but to do my job better.. and not wait on a adult to do it . .. the vo-tech instructor still had qualms... partly my being a vo-tech student.. she was bothered that minor relatives got a labor law
Exception.. (IF SHE’D EVER HAD ANY THOUGHT? Going around in that head of hers)... When I finished school and working there..
at the Restaurant after I was 18 and in the Regular AF.. they closed out the temporary adoption.. didn’t need it anyway but another legality
May have arose .. about direct beneficiary to my Military Insurance... When their lawyer restablished that they were financially solvent enough with paperwork proof from IRS to undo the adoption.. it was a few weeks before my going ‘Active’ in the AF.
And my 18th B’day ... A few months went by.. The Vo-tech lady was perusing a legal world news where legal proclomations/writs were posted from around our state
She’d seen where Mom and dad cancelled the ‘temporary guardianship’ ... I was in NJ on duty by that time.. when she seen the cancellation/adjudication...she asked Mom and dad where was I ..
Dad just said I was deployed with AFand he was not at liberty to reveal.. “Do you know who I am?”
She stated....Dad laughed when he told me what he told her; “ya know what, I Really am not in the least concerned who you are or what your occupation is as ‘State associated employee of the school,
You DO NOT HAVE THE NEED TO KNOW of my Son’s deployment with the AF.. Go to the AF and follow the ‘Chain of Command’
And state your reason which I fo
NOT think is reason enough to know his ‘whereabouts’..”. Good day!” and shut the door after she turned to go back to her vehicle..
I said g’bye and all the other niceties when closing out a phone call and terminated it... and thought what could she want? ‘ Did she desire my “HOT” physique ?’ Like some teachers these days are doing with young adolescents’.(I could only wish.. she was pretty hot look’g herself.... cutting a nice silhouette through the lab coat when the light hit right.. (Hey, I’m a guy, I notice things such as that
though I should be more attentive to my class work!).... [ let’s keep these little comment sessions fun , interesting .. I know there are some pertinent things to comment about and distract from the main subject..
Oh yeah, Jane Russell ! ... almost forgot myself ! You all have awesome day !
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Thank you for sharing your memories and thoughts, my friend SSgt Boyd Herrst -
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CPL Dave Hoover
Great lady.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
One foxy lady in the day.
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