Posted on Jun 14, 2018
No more Army adviser brigades or amphib ships? This proposed report could radically change how...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I believe we need the amphibious capability to seize ports or beachheads for a massive staging area.
LTC Eric Udouj
Or for SOFT power force projection when major disasters occur. It is a awesome capability and critical one as well. But if we dwell down into it.. how many boats and landing craft does the Army have........
Wow! The inability to define a long term or even a mid-range national military strategy is why we waste so much money training, equipping, resourcing, facilitating a revolving door of doctrinal principles for each service branch to focus on. The SFAB concept is not even 5 years old. Perhaps the Senate Armed Services Committee would like to re-evaluate the elimination of several Heavy Brigades that existed to counter the near peer conventional threats of Iran, Russia, Syria, and China? The whole "we can do more with less in the Force XXI Modular BCT" concept totally sucked and played a significant role in degrading the Army's OPTEMPO and readiness posture.
Do we need to add extensive tactical depth... for short term - or do we need extensive operational depth for mid/long term? Are those the same areas we can focus on with current structures?
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