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Responses: 3
CMSgt Security Forces
MeToo. I thought Trump's characterization of McCain during the campaign was way out of bounds; however, actively undermining the US government in the name of revenge is not a good look.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Actively undermining the US government for any reason is not a good look. I feel McCain's intent was spot on, but his method of execution is on par with the Tweeter in Chief. A different tact or messaging could have been taken to communicate the same sentiment.
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MAJ James Woods
Have to hand it to McCain, I rather see a politician reach out to our allies as opposed to our adversaries when it comes to criticizing behavior of any leaders in our country.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
I understand your point, though I strongly feel politics should end at the border.
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SFC J Fullerton
I kind of agree with that, to an extent. However, all norms of what is "appropriate" to tweet by an elected official has been thrown out the window, ran over by a truck, and buried in hole by the none other than the POTUS himself. You are right, I would of rather McCain engage the President via twitter using petty 7th grade insults than a pseudo "apology" to our allies for the president's absurd behavior.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Totally agree, but we should not compromise our standards or principles simply because the current POTUS has none. It may prove to be a disadvantage, but the largest advantage those that oppose the president's conduct have right now is maintaining the moral high ground.
SFC J Fullerton
SFC J Fullerton
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - I am not sure staying silent or treading carefully not to upset the "base" is what can be called moral high ground, unfortunately that is the path most Republicans are taking. Except those that guzzled the orange Kool-Aid. At least McCain, Flake, and to extent, Corker, have a pair to call BS to this clown show.
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