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Responses: 2
Howard Ryan
Read http://www.buckley.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/1041848/athoc-requirements-for-base-members/ The respionse does not address the issue at hand. When recipients should no longer be the target of an alert, the alert system should have the intelligence and automation required to prune the alerts recipient list automatically. This article strikes a chord as our company weekly gets erroneous complaints from end-users thinking Desktop Alert Inc. (http://www.desktopalert.net) is the publisher of these misdirected alerts. If you want to insure you no longer get phone calls and alerts call your Public Affairs office and they will tend to the matter immediately.
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy
7 y
I copy contact the PAO to stop receiving real and exercise alerts notifications. Is this correct, Sir?
Howard Ryan
Howard Ryan
7 y
First, thank you for your service. The alerts you are receiving are not coming from a Desktop Alert Inc. system. Rather the alerts are coming from an AtHoc technology still used at many Bases and provided by AtHoc Inc.

If you are receiving the alerts by SMS text message, these alerts should stop if you reply to one of the alerts with the word “STOP”. Unfortunately, this will not cancel all of the alerts you may be receiving.

We offer a few suggestions; you can contact your previous installation and ask them to remove your name. We understand that this may be inconvenient since you are no longer at the installation. Working with others in your situation we have found that you can look up the installation on the internet. Most installations list the public affairs (PA) and the Inspector General (IG). Sending an email or calling the PA and IG to request removal from the system is usually VERY effective. If you have the information, you should also contact the Operations Center.

We understand and sympathize with your situation. We receive similar calls and emails every week. It is just unfortunate that we have no direct control over resolving the frustration caused by our competitors unwanted alerts.
Howard Ryan
Howard Ryan
7 y
Interestingly enough, Buckley owns a Desktop Alert perpetual license at no cost annually but were supplanted by a pay for system. BLUF.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent share Thayer, thank you.
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