Posted on Jun 10, 2018
'Communism Will Win' Army Soldier Gets 'Other Than Honorable' Discharge
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 6
He will find a job in San Francisco and UC Berkeley. Maybe he will be a spokesperson for Russian Television. Actually, I am very sad that this man put so much effort to be a Ranger and a West Point Graduate/Commissioned Officer but for all the wrong reasons! He is a Communist by choice and not by accident. He had so much potential but he lied about his Oath of Office. You would think that seeing how Communism has been to Russia since 1917 and China since 1948 and seeing how Eastern Europe Suffered from 1945-1991 under that these countries with Communism/Socialism have not been successful. He conveniently forgets about Stalin had the Ukraine, in 1937 being starved out with about 7 million killed by Soviet-backed slash and burn of food destruction on purpose. He overlooks How Stalin's NKVD or Soviet Army killed 22k Polish Government officials, scholars and soldiers in the Katyn Forest in Apri-May 1940. I don't see any redeeming social value of Communism. Cuba is a joke and so was the Comecon trade pact. Now Socialistic Venezuela won't supply its Cuba its oil so I can imagine how dire Cuba is right now. Communism is a joke. I told him in another post how Communists in El Salvador(pictured here in Feb, 2018 making announcements with Spanish-Rap Music a week before the Presidential Election )put down their arms and are now part of the political process. He told me something about being an American Communist. To me, you use the style learned of Communism and lack of Civil Rights that you see in Russia and China. I don't accept that argument.
"...Rapone is a one-time member of the 75th Ranger Regiment and was “released for standards” before receiving his appointment to the U.S. Military Academy."
USMA needs to do a better job of screening their candidates. Wonder who sponsored his nomination to the Academy?
USMA needs to do a better job of screening their candidates. Wonder who sponsored his nomination to the Academy?

Former West Point cadet in Che Guevara shirt is an Afghanistan combat veteran; and other rumors...
Since tweets of 2nd Lt. Spenser Rapone first swirled around the internet on Sunday, multiple outlets have printed rumors and speculation about his service.
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