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Responses: 8
Sgt Douglas Berger
Respects the the pilots of the F-4's, and all pilots that serve our Country from the air. I was fond of the A-1 Skyraider (formerly AD), those who knew her called her a "SPAD". A real work-horse in Vietnam. Serving aboard an Aircraft Carrier, two deployments to Vietnam we never found a dull day. I added a story to add a little humor to a serious time. Semper Fi- Salute
TSgt David L.
TSgt David L.
7 y
A-1 was the A-10 of it's day. Heavy payload capacity and being a prop-job had excellent loiter time. Great mention.
LTC Self Employed
Sgt Douglas Berger
Sgt Douglas Berger
7 y
We had a Spad return with an arrow stuck in its' fuselage. Amazing how many hits these aircraft received _ quickly patched up and sent back into action. The XO I served with two deployments retired as the highest decorated Admiral Navy history He was an early test pilot for the Phantom 11,

The Willy Fudd was special to me as I went on mission as the radio operator even though it was not my job. Right up until the Capt saw my name listed as a crew member as we walked through flight operations. I was supposed to be catching a nap between launch and recovery.

A lot of memories.

Semper Fi
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Great share sir.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Always has been, and probably will always be, true in an us vs them battle. The how we train wins out every time!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
I just watched the video from Dogfights. He was old school and the late 50s and early 60s mentality was to have the pilot know how to fire up the jet, know how to take off and bomb targets and then land safely. Nothing was emphasized about dogfights and tactics. He taught his squadron how to be like he was in 1943-45. The Pilot of the Junk Strike Fighter better know damn well how to use his plane in a dogfight even if he is too slow and not maneuverable enough.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
7 y
Not sure dogfighting is, or ever will be, a primary training event anymore. Ya see some at Red Flag and other exercises but in the scheme of things it's not high priority training in 2018.
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