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Responses: 6
CPT Jack Durish
OMG! (I know you must love that one...) This is one of the greatest examples of "generalization" I've ever seen. One individual Christian commits a "crime" and you announce "...the general public questions whether Christians can be trusted?" Wait a minute. I'm not done. There's another magnificent idea here. You have anointed yourself the voice of the general public". What an egoist!
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
It is my opinion, that Capt Gregory Prickett fits squarely into the subset of atheists that are anti-theist. I cannot recall a single post of his on matters religious that fell into the category of pro-atheist, instead they can be characterized as anti-religious, with the majority being anti-Christian.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
GySgt John Olson - I've lived three quarters of a century and seen many evangelists fall from grace. Indeed, all heroes demonstrate that they have feet of clay. Even the great leaders of biblical times, Noah, Moses, and all the others, ultimately failed. That is why we in the military honor the act of heroism when we salute the Medal of Honor. We are not saluting the wearer. I simply find it amusing when Capt Gregory Prickett and others of his peculiar anti-theist ideology use every opportunity to discredit Christianity or any other religion because some adherent's behavior is found wanting...
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
GySgt John Olson - You can also get a list in every issue of the FFRF newsletter.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
GySgt John Olson - All true, which is why those who have risen to positions of great visibility cause the most damage when they fall (and they always fall) There are exceptions, rare ones, like Billy Graham (and if you look close enough, I'm sure you'll find his foibles as well)
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SPC Kevin Ford
It seems most Christians aren't happy with this behavior either. The problem seems to be rooted in church hierarchies that are more interested in protecting themselves than their congregations.
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Maj John Bell
Edited >1 y ago
Absolutely right, scandal compounded by cover up and/or insufficient justice rocks any societal institution, damaging its standing. Clearly the superior decision is full disclosure and swift, decisive sanctions against those who abuse their positions of special trust and confidence. I cannot claim factual evidence, but it seems to me... that most institutions (religious or secular) facing a public scandal, have difficulty figuring that out.

Is there any reason to expect that flawed people will never rise to positions of power and influence? Or that misguided people will choose to cover up scandal, rather than give it a full exposure to daylight? As far as I know, one of the central Dogma's of Christianity is that we are all sinners.

But determining "whether [all] Christians can be trusted" using guilt by association, seems specious at best. Is there any organization that has an established wide national presence, existed for decades, and not had someone abuse their position of special trust and confidence?
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