Posted on May 18, 2018
Political Left & Political Right Wage a Modern-Day Civil War For America's Soul
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
PO3 Steven Sherrill, the Left has figured out how to make Conservatives pay for their socialist takeover of America. That is why there is a rift. The importation of low skilled individuals is the current process to ensure the Left has a known voter class that will keep them in power. Again, Conservatives see through this and are now responding.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
LTC (Join to see) Everyone has issues that are important to them. It drives me crazy seeing people lining up and ENTHUSIASTICALLY going to vote against their own best interests. It would be like a NRA member voting for Hillary Clinton because they think she was a better choice for gun rights. Just doesn't make sense, yet every four years there are millions of Americans who go to the polls, and vote a party line, even if it doesn't serve their best interests.
Broken record time: I am a firm believer that we need to abolish political parties, and let each candidate run on their laurels. No primaries, no R or D, just candidates running on a platform, and then having to work with other elected officials in order to get things done. More accountability to the people because they will have a crowded ballot in the next election, so in order to stay in office, they would need to make sure they got stuff done.
Broken record time: I am a firm believer that we need to abolish political parties, and let each candidate run on their laurels. No primaries, no R or D, just candidates running on a platform, and then having to work with other elected officials in order to get things done. More accountability to the people because they will have a crowded ballot in the next election, so in order to stay in office, they would need to make sure they got stuff done.
LTC (Join to see)
Let's be honest here. We don't have political parties anymore. Just as the FBI, Justice Dept, IRS, etc..., the Federal political level has been infiltrated by the Establishment. The political parties have both merged to serve their wealthy donors. They don't give a flip for the people they represent. If we are to fix the system the People need to identify the doners and stop funding them.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
LTC (Join to see) - You are spot on. Though there is one caveat. That is election time. At election time they care just enough to get re-elected, while promising the moon and the stars and the sun, then delivering a turd in a box after the election.
I do worry there is an element in our society that would like to move away from our democratic/republic roots towards a socialist ideology.
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