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Responses: 12
CW5 Ranger Dave
Edited 7 y ago
This nonsense comes up every year. It is a HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION! The uniform of the day is Cap and Gown. What part of uniformity do these PRIVATES not understand.

If you want to wear a uniform at graduation go to a Service Academy.

Additionally, my Great Uncle LTC Thomas McHone, went back to HS after WWII as a Captain to finished his senior year and graduate. He didn’t wear a uniform at graduation. Just a white shirt and tie which was the uniform for boys back then. He entered the Army after completing his junior year and was awarded a battlefield commission on bloody Omaha Beach when all of his officers were killed. By the end of the war he was the Company Commander.
1LT Peter Duston
1LT Peter Duston
4 y
With all due respect CW, this is not "nonsense" ! In rural Downeast Maine, we celebrate our graduates entering military service and 100% support them wearing uniforms to graduation if they are split-option or have completed Basic. For many of our kids, military options are the way to a better life. As a private college counselor, I try hard to help local kids blend military NG or USAR and post secondary education. It's a win-win for these students which we need to support.
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Capt Daniel Goodman
I wish high schools would just knock off that alike as peas in a pod stuff...I mean, in an earlier social era, it would've been welcomed with open arms for her to do that...one guy when I got my clinical doctorate before my disability in my class got an active duty residency and left just before we all finished, I'm sure if he'd have stayed, he'd have been allowed to wear his, it was a private school, but still, you know? I !mean, I just despair of the species some time with such a narrow minded provincial attitude...of course she should be allowed, encouraged, in fact....
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SFC Melvin Brandenburg
I think if you earn it, why not? But there are the haters of what we stand for
SGT Jonathan Hyde
SGT Jonathan Hyde
>1 y
It’s a high school graduation right? Having someone wear their cap and gown just like everyone else is not being a hater.
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