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Responses: 4
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
McInerney lost all credibility on any military subject when he backed up a mutinous birther captain who refused to obey orders because he did not thank that Obama had the right to give him orders.
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PO1 Tony Holland
Sounds like something Faux News would disseminate
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
Even Fox news fired the jackass pretty damned quickly, and the Fox host involved made a pretty good apology. Fox handled this one right for a change
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited >1 y ago
When you have a POW in your family that was tortured the bitterness extends for 2-3 generations beyond the guy that was tortured at a minimum. Which is another strike against using torture. However, given the long lasting bitterness of the victims extended family it is really, really stupid to criticize someone publicly that was tortured as a POW, your not just going to bring the wrath of the immediate family on you but of 2-3 future generations as well and potentially your never going to recover whatever your reputation was before. So I file this guy that called McCain a "song bird" into the dumb as rocks category.

My personal opinion of Ms Haspel, is her refusal to call torture as immoral should be disqualifying for the position. Otherwise I view her credentials as impeccable. I watched the testimony and I was just aghast she was offered three times to say torture was immoral and all three times she avoided directly answering the question. To me that is horrible position to take, even for a former CIA field agent. I don't care what her motivations were for avoiding saying that publicly on National TV. It was just unbelieveable she side-stepped the question. So I agree with John McCain.
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