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Responses: 12
Col Joseph Lenertz
A nice contrarian piece a little short on facts to defend the assertions and open-ended questions. If Kim is "playing" us, he is doing it poorly, judging by the state of his nation and the increasing sanctions and decreasing foreign sales he is experiencing. Kim has gained his nation nothing but contempt for his playing.
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SSG Edward Tilton
Kim has blown his chances. Samsung, Sanyo, and Hyundai were building factories at a new complex near Kaesong. That is on the DMZ near Munsan. The Union auto workers in South Korea were up in arms. But in reality Corporations are more important than countries. Sanyo, Samsung and Hyundai moved their factories to Vietnam and North Korea is broke. A new alliance, South Korea, and Shantung Province in China has become more powerful in the area than North Korea. As you drive out of Kaesong, North Korea, south across the DMZ there is a Chinese Mall near Paju, in South Korea.
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Capt Daniel Goodman
Oh, please...that fat little Commie Hermit Kingdom twerp is totally full of it, he's just a narking Peking lapdog to hismasters in the People's Commie Paradise...everything they do is predicated on lies, all of them are useless human dreck, total waste of Commie skin, complete garbage, all of ten...they wouldn't know, any of them, how to not have a disingenuous thought, it's hardwired into their pea sized Commie brains, all of them...every time I hear one word about any of them, I just practically retch, gag, and vomit...like it's some big fat surprise the fat little turd is lying...he was born being taught how to lie in utero, along with the rest of his dictatorial Commie family....
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