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Responses: 13
Cpl Jeff N.
If everyone is a cheerleader, no one is a cheerleader. If everyone gets a medal, no one gets a medal. The point of having competition is to motivate people to do better, to excel, to be the best. If we have the competition after some have put in the training/workout etc then allow those that did not do the work to get it, then we simply lower the bar. The next time more people unwilling to do the work will try out because they know they will get it, with nominal effort. Pretty soon, you have a squad that cannot to do the basic role because no one is really able to do it.

The higher achievers will go on to something else because they are wired that way. The underachievers will take over and pretty soon you will have a cheer squad that sits in the bleachers because they are unwilling to put out the effort to train and to perform the role.
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Not only that but you cheapen the whole thing. If everyone wins, what's the point? Another thing failing does for people is shows them either a) what they need to focus harder on, or b) that their talents are elsewhere and they can quit wasting their time on this endeavor.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - Yes, that is candid feedback. You are not good at this cheerleading thing, go do something you are better at.
LCpl Shane Couch
LCpl Shane Couch
>1 y
Might as well let everyone who wants to be a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine become one. Why not let them all become snipers? I mean really, who needs the motor skills to do everything that we all have done in the past, when you can just do everything on a computer or video game anyway.
LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Jeff Shearer
>1 y
Jeff that is like the guy that says my favorite is .... and list all the choices. If they are all your favorite are any of them really your favorite.
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
I guess I will try out !
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
I would bet you would quickly have a neck injury. :) Seriously, is this preparing for life in a competitive job industry. One of my female directors would have sent a female employee packing with a shoe print on her/his butt if they acted like this.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
The parent that complained can sit on an ant mound. No matter whether the kids won or lost, it's how well they played and cheering them on would give them better confidence to try harder.
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