Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Pilots who flew the DMZ had to have intimate knowledge and position reporting of all the map "checkpoints" along with a "DMZ checkride" in order to obtain authorization to fly the DMZ. A few seconds of disorientation could get you shot down - by either side. First, you had to have approval; then you had to "call entering/exiting" and at every checkpoint along the way. Once, I went on a day-long guided military bus trip/"tour" to Panmunjong. We received a briefing on how to act, and what NOT to do to create an "incident". The trip was memorable, the guided briefing fascinating.
My dad was a 2nd ID Artillery FO during the Korean war, and later served another year ('61-62) near the DMZ in 2nd ID as one of the persons "in the chain" responsible for Deployment of nuclear weapons. He never talked much about it though, and only about things that had come out in the news.
My dad was a 2nd ID Artillery FO during the Korean war, and later served another year ('61-62) near the DMZ in 2nd ID as one of the persons "in the chain" responsible for Deployment of nuclear weapons. He never talked much about it though, and only about things that had come out in the news.
SGT Thomas Lucken
In 1987, one of our Cobras was fired on, they were flying NVG mission (Night Vision Goggle)... B 4-7 Cav.... :-) Was not uncommon to be fired on during the day, when we ran recon patrols up on the Z.
CW5 John M.
SGT Thomas Lucken - Wow! NVG on the D - what a concept! There were sporadic instances of taking fire back in my day also. Tended to keep you on your toes for sure...... those NKs were insanely fanatic - or that was the impression they wanted you to think they were, all the while they were miserable, dirt-poor, bug-infested, malnourished, hollow shells - like their lavish "facades" they built in Panmunjong.........
Thank you for sharing this, prayers and hope this is going to be the real deal. Shaky, but an end to the war and unification in our lifetimes.
SGT Thomas Lucken
Dianna, would love to see it united. My wife and her siblings have never met any of her family on her dad's side. Her dad migrated south between 1945 and 1950. But it would be nice to see it in our lifetimes, especially for my wife's sake. She is 58 now (older then me)... :-)
Your friend in a couple of years ahead of me - I was on the DMZ 1974-75. Other than the years and MOS, the article sounds eerily familiar. Thanks for sharing.
SGT Thomas Lucken
lol, Don my first time was in 83-84, then again 87-90. :-) I was 4-7 Cav at the time.
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