Posted on May 1, 2018
The 12 Worst Ideas Organized Religion Has Unleashed On the World
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
Modern science and learning are where they are because the Christian thinkers made an interesting decision, basically science cannot contradict God, so let logic and reason flow where it will. Thiis gave rise to universities independent of the Church. This article is a rather simplistic approach to history and the human experience. The article is loaded with negative connotations and words about religion. Christ very clearly changed how the Old Testament was to view my n light of His arrival. Also worth some thought. Just my opinion. Long list f scientist and thinkers that are Christian. Some even won Nobel Prizes.
LTC David Brown
And f course the founding of the great Universities were founded by ? Oh I know ancient aliens, I saw it on the History Channel! Gregor Mendal was an atheist. The preservation of historic writing was done by ...monks. Imagine that!
SGT Denny Espinosa
Isn't it interesting that the Theory of Evolution has never been proved, yet there are those who - while professing that science is all - have dropped the "Theory" part. They proclaim that anyone who doesn't believe the theory must be anti-science. They are the true fanatics and their religion is science. Well, parts of science. The parts they approve.
LTC David Brown
SGT Denny Espinosa - Theory, as in, “the Theory of Evolution “ isn’t a supposition, it is a large over arching explanation that brings many observations and facts into one explanation. The Theory of Evolution” was explains, variations and differant species and variations in species etc.

Suspended Profile
I think this is a very biased article, by an atheist. They are entitled to their opinions, but they can keep them to themselves...
SGT Denny Espinosa
A quick search shows an evangelical background for the author. Yet between the obvious hatred of Christianity, and the professing of science while teaching witchcraft principles to her own children, I see a very troubled and confused person. It's a shame that so many people who are looking for answers are listening to her.
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