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Responses: 2
Capt Daniel Goodman
That is useful....
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Cpl Scott McCarroll
Sgt Wayne Wood that was a really good and informative article. I am an avid reader as well as a TV junkie. I read a series of books in 07 I think, anyway the link is below. It was set in the time frame of the article. In it you have the humans, and what they call Slopes. And I would highly recommend it to survivalist as it talks about herbs and Flint knapping. Well written, however the last two books are not up to the standards of the one's before it, I found out that the last two were completed after her death.

Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
>1 y
Amazing how a single woman could innovate/create all advances in ancient human pre-history... but not figure out a guy liked her.

They WERE extremely well-researched books though. Based on existing knowledge/theory at the time they were published.

Yeah, i’ve read the series.

Ya like that? Try Colleen McCullough's Masters of Rome series.
Cpl Scott McCarroll
Cpl Scott McCarroll
>1 y
Sgt Wayne Wood I am going to look for those on Kindle, I have had too many books left behind that I chose digital, however I do have a aux branch library just a block or so away. If I can't find the digital, I'll walk over see if they have it or can get it from the main library. Thank you. Did you find the last two books as awkward as I did. They just didn't seem to flow like the ones before?
Sgt Wayne Wood
Sgt Wayne Wood
>1 y
Yeah... it turned into a soap opera... Cpl Scott McCarroll
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