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Responses: 8
CPT Jack Durish
Forgive me for being suspicious, but there comes a point when I suspect gun-control-cretins of committing crimes to advance their agenda
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Not really, no. A pro-life politician pushing a mistress to have an abortion is him being a hypocrite. Not him trying to advance his agenda.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
Sure. It could have been an anti-gun nut pushing their agenda. It could have been a pro-gun nut who also had a point to make. The guy is in custody and we'll soon find out the motive. Still doesn't change the fact an individual walked into a school with a firearm and discharged it. So what's next? More armed security; arm teachers; conceal carry for 18 y/o Seniors; cameras and metal detectors; controlled access; mental health screenings; review of laws; or just ignore it.
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MAJ(P) Military Pay Technician
As a gun owner, the issue is not the weapons used to commit this violent crimes but instead is the people behind pulling the trigger. Mental health issues and poor parenting contribute to this crimes and school shootings.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
Some people just don't transmit on the same frequency, MAJ(P) (Join to see). Common sense is lacking in the national conversation.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
So you're for legislation or regulations that keeps firearms of individuals with a history of violent mental health issues and behavior and is on medication to control that behavior? As a gun owner, that makes sense to me.
MAJ(P) Military Pay Technician
MAJ(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
There are many controls in place right now, but there are many loopholes as well.
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MAJ James Woods
Will be interesting to hear the motive and background of the shooter as pro-gun folks are saying he's probably an anti-gun crisis actor and anti-gun folks are saying he's a pro-gun nut mad about this planned walkout protest.
Either way, doesn't change the fact some guy who isn't a student walked into a school with a firearm uncontested.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
Agreed, I don't really care what the motive is until AFTER we can keep them out of a school, or any other target dense environment.
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