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Responses: 6
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MCPO Roger Collins
For centuries, citizens around the globe would take up arms against despots overlords. We were in that genre. Mexican Revolutions, French Revolution to name a couple. The trend now, is to run to another country, legally or otherwise. If one won’t fight for their birth nation, they darn sure won’t fight for ours. Yes, there are a few exceptions, but the bottom line is they left their home country to be subjugated. Even we have our snowflakes that can’t understand we have a nation millions come to for the safety our citizen soldiers made possible. We still have our hero’s, they stand ready to protect our nation in foreign countries, just as bravely as they did in Concord and Lexington.
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SSG Robert Webster
I was going to give this a thumbs up until I read Mr. Buppert's introduction. The next three sections of the article are just plain basic statements of events as presented in most historical tomes and American History books.
So why does it sound like Mr. Buppert is a monarchal and parliamentary apologist? Especially since Mr. Buppert presents himself as an Anarchist (no matter how you slice and dice it).
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SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
We must think them for that initial shot. We have come a long way.
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