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Responses: 6
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
I do not like the Judges politics, But he does respect and know the law.
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CPT Jack Durish
If Mueller were investigating a crime he might have a constitutionally sufficient reason to breach client/attorney privilege. But he isn't. The evidence he sought had no relationship to any crime. It was a political witch hunt intended to embarrass the President.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
It appears y'all had a lot of fun while I was sleeping last night, talking about me.

MSgt Steve Sweeney You asked a reasonable question that deserves an answer. Sorry, that I don't remember you or if you "rub me the wrong way". I'm at that age that I remember people from 1955, but have a hard time with those I've just met. But, you asked, "What does Mueller have to do with this?" Again, a reasonable question. At first blush, it appeared that he sent the FBI to the offices of Trump's lawyer on a fishing expedition. Sadly, it's tough finding honest journalism and that "first blush" was in error. It appears that he became aware of the commission of a violation of campaign finance rules and regulations and "alerted" the FBI who then commenced the raid. In this case, the raid seems proper.
Too bad you couldn't wait for an answer, but chose instead to join with SSgt Ray Stone and Capt Gregory Prickett in thrashing me with ad hominem attacks. I'm not at all familiar with SSgt Stone. Sorry. Again I plead age. However, I can see no excuse for you accusing me of anything. I am not a "Trumpster". He was my next to last choice for President. Only Hillary ranked lower in my estimation which is why I grudgingly voted for him. Although he has surprised me with some actions of which I approve. So, here's your opinion and disparagement of me. Now, shove it.
Ah Capt Prickett, we meet again. You I remember. Even though I didn't meet you in 1955, I know you well. You remind me of myself, the self I was before I matured. You simply can't help yourself, can you? Whenever you feel ignored, you begin acting like a petulant child. You weren't always this way, were you? When we first met on RP we had some respectful debates, mostly about your antitheist views and disrespect for the beliefs of others. Had you limited your diatribes against state sponsorship of religion, I would have been a willing ally. Now, allow me to explain. Although I am retired, I am far from a man at leisure. I monitor the financial operation of the family business and have a ton of self-imposed writing deadlines as well as my volunteer work with the VFW helping veterans and active duty service members. Thus, I sometimes don't have time to come out and play with you. Sadly, when I attempt to explain this, respectfully, you act like a child sulking outside my window, taunting me to come out and fight. Well, inasmuch as I've wasted far too much time on this discussion thread with this comment, I'll stand aside and allow you to continue with your disrespect. I'll just down vote each one and you can respond with an eye for an eye (Don't you just love the application of a biblical verse to your behavior?)
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - You really ought to read my comment before you engage the snark
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Ohhhhh now you're not a Trumpster. Your comment history says otherwise.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
SSgt Ray Stone - Prove it
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Interesting !
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