Posted on Apr 11, 2018
WATCH: Giant Cruise Ship Smashes Into Dock In Honduras
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 13
Methinks alcohol may have been involved. I was on a Disney cruise ship (similar size) a year and a half ago and marveled at the ship handling in tight spaces without tugs. Bow and stern thrusters ghosted the ship into harbors and alongside docks without touching anything. The one driving this ship was completely out of control, and the bow and stern thrusters are clearly being used after the collision.
SN Greg Wright
PO3 Bob McCord - Certainly. But it could have been a mechanical casualty. Or an idiot pilot. Or any number of factors.
CPT Jack Durish
SN Greg Wright - Yes, I noticed the anchor, too. Probably acted more like a grapple to fish up some pilings and do even more damage
CPT Jack Durish
PO3 Bob McCord - I wrote a computer program for a San Clemente class oiler working the route between Valdez and LA. It hit the long dock in SF harbor at one quarter knot and took out a huge chunk of a concrete 12 feet thick
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