Posted on Apr 9, 2018
FBI raid targets Trump attorney Michael Cohen, under scrutiny over Stormy Daniels payments
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 11
Sgt Kelli Mays here's some food for thought. As the investigation on FISA abuse by the FBI gains speed, every one is missing something. You see Mueller was the Director of the FBI between 2001 to 2013. Now I just have to wonder how many FISA warrants crossed his desk that had sketchy to no credible evidence. And we're put through with manufactured evidence. So I think that Mueller is attempting to turn the heat from him to President Trump. Just my thoughts as I don't know for sure.
We seem to have gone from collusion, to obstruction, to God knows what. This is beyond rediculous. If you had years, unlimited funds and the power of the federal government they could arrest me because I was short a chin strap during a CIF turn in. I agree with Sgt Kelli Mays!!!
This just proves George Washington's warning about party/faction. I think it may be time to ban political parties.
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Steve, it's called term limits. Do not give them time to develop factions. This also ensures that they listen to their constituents, not their colleagues.
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