Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 10
I am more relieved that Hillary Clinton is not President than anything else!
LTC (Join to see)
Even Nixon at least had an understanding of events, Trump is (or at least acts like) a spoiled child with no interest in anything except pleasing his mostly white, mostly uneducated base.
I am most disturbed that we are being asked to believe that the release of the information-rather than the information itself, is what is suspect.
No doubt Comey's decision to go public 11 days prior to the election had a negative impact on Hillary. Impossible to quantify, but damaging nonetheless. Comey was in the proverbial damned if you, damned if you don't position. Say what you will about Comey - Hillary has no one to blame but herself. No private email server, no email scandal. Hope it was worth it.
MSG Stan Hutchison
Does anyone really think deciding on a private server was something she gave much thought to? Some IT guy came to her, (or more likely one of her aides) and said having you own server would be cool, so she (or the aide) said go for it.
CMSgt (Join to see)
You're right, no different than not worrying about that little (c) on the top of her emails.
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