Posted on Mar 16, 2018
Military Family's Legally Adopted Daughter Could Be Deported
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 8
And that's why the "They should have done it legally" argument ignores how screwed up that process is.
Maj John Bell
How difficult would it have been to engage a lawyer to make sure all the T's were crossed and all the i's were dotted? Every time I've thought I might be in over my legal head, I've sought out an attorney. 90% of the time they told me I don't need an attorney and they haven't charged a dime for the initial consultation.
SPC Kevin Ford
Maj John Bell - In 20/20 hindsight, not nearly as difficult as what they are going through now. At the time, and under the pressure of an upcoming deployment, it may have seemed unnecessary.
MAJ Byron Oyler
Maj John Bell - I think a lot of lawyers are there to take money and you have gotten luck they did not charge you. I speak to the last eight years, the immigration paperwork comes with instructions and if you read them, the paperwork is stupid easy.
Crazy story. A sad situation that could be rectified if our useless politicians would stop all their party posturing and do what they're elected to do.
Unbelievable. Why in the hell did they set 16 as the maximum age for an immigrant minor that is adopted can apply for citizenship when 17 is also considered a minor?
Capt Tom Brown
PO2 Peter Klein - Hopefully the court can apply some common sense and good judgment to overturn this particular bureaucratic bungle. Probably just an arbitrary age limit set for no particular reason, good or bad. Lucky we still have the courts as frustrating as they can be at time.
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