Posted on Mar 14, 2018
Russian Chemical Attacks On NATO Soil? We Invaded Iraq For A Lot Less
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
So, are you suggesting we go to war with Russia? And you left wingers were worried about Trump having the button. Sheez!
Trump responded properly to the attack. The British have to invoke NATO Article 10 or at least ask for our help. They have done neither. Even still we said we would support the British course of action whatever that might be. The British PM's response to this has been repeatedly weak and that is why it keeps happening. They need to consider it an act of war and respond militarily but they always stop well short of that with their response. Hence Putin has no real incentive to curb the behavior if he is never punished for it.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
SPC Erich Guenther While I agree that there isn't a lot of physical action we can take, the absolute silence from the White House is deafening.
SPC Erich Guenther
MAJ Bryan Zeski - Something going on there but I don't think the motivation is to be friendly to Russia, I think he has Putin fooled there and probably some on the Left. Also don't think it is business interests. He has something else up his sleeve. Anyways, last time Trump commented on British Foriegn Policy the British told him to shut up via the PM and London Mayor so with that in mind it might be he does not want to get burned again.
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