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LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
I sometimes wonder if it is ignorance or willful obfuscation. If the former, then you'd think eventually, the facts would outweigh the rhetoric, and you'd see people altering their position. Since we don't, it must be the latter. In that case, you have to ask what the real motivation is for the constant assault (no pun intended) on these rights. I have a very close, lifelong friend, a former citizen of a socialist nation, who is an ardent "Liberal". Once, I asked her...if you had to choose between being a wolf and a domesticated dog, which would you choose? She confidently responded that she'd rather be the dog. When I asked her to elaborate, she concisely, clearly and confidently stated that to her mind, it was far better to be cared for, protected, and given the illusion of value...even at the expense of "freedoms". That's what's happening here. We live in a world that is becoming increasingly dangerous. No longer can we pretend that the horrors of the Third World are remote, or that we're safe inside our manicured, mortgaged properties. The implications, both social and economic, are that eventually...we will have to re-consider what it means to be "secure", and that frightens some to the extent that they'd do anything to avoid having to meet that challenge individually. Confronted with others who would prefer by far to prepare themselves...they see the potential for a shift in power. As a wise man once told me, "There are only three castes...Warriors, Priests and Merchants. When the Priests ousted the warriors, one form of government emerged. When the Merchants ousted the Priests...yet another. Eventually, this will shift again; the only question being...to whom?"
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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Interesting thoughts. You opened my eyes a bit with that dog/wolf analogy.
MCPO Command Master Chief
MCPO (Join to see)
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Great post. May I copy and share?
LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
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CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
A movie star that makes a fortune shooting guns tells you guns should be banned.... Irony.
A Tide Pod eating teenager tell you they know how to solve the gun issue... Irony
A Liberal calling for armed action against armed people.... Irony

At the end of the day the 2A is not about hunting.. animals that is. Its about the people being able to defend itself from TRUE tyranny and oppression. In every instance of a Criminal with a gun it has taken a Hero with a gun to stop them. Criminals do not follow the law, then again nether do liberals or the Government. My ammo capacity should never be limited, my fire arms should never be limited, my ability to stand and defend my Home, Family, and Life should never be infringed upon so some sheep feels safe. When Hollywood stops making war films and violent films, and action films and anything with a gun or an explosion then I might take them serious. Till then they are hypocrites, Till every Politician gives up their guns and armed security they too are hypocrites, till they all give up their gated community's and armed details they are all hypocrites.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
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Same with Ruby Ridge. I was in CDA when that went down and the feds were lying out their ass's. Local Sherriff told the feds stand down and leave but they refused and well its now History.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
@LTC Michael Martin "It's Legal to hunt humans" Where? Is it gross to have seconds? Where do they find these people? Not Hypocrite, just stupid. Not ignorant, stupid. Maybe they should not get their gun "facts" from hollywood movies. We can't all have the Zorg ZF-1
LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
LCDR (Join to see)
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"Did they ask about the red button?"
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
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LCDR (Join to see) - They are democrats. Their button would need to be blue. You know for the sake of fairness.
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