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Responses: 5
MCPO Roger Collins
Hand up, me, me. Because it doesn't help his case against President Trump and collusion with the Russians. The Seth Rich murder was quickly dispensed with by the MSM and law enforcement.
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Cpl Software Engineer
Why haven't Congressional Investigators or Special Counsel Robert Mueller addressed the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich - who multiple people have claimed was Wikileaks' source of emails leaked during the 2016 U.S. presidential election?

A simple but disheartening answer, they don't care or they are completely partisan or both.
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Susan Foster
My guess is because the rumors came mostly from conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, and he would be hard to take seriously. But if they had, we would not necessarily know it.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
>1 y
WikiLeaks has admitted Seth Rich was the DNC leaker and put a reward out for information about the murder. Seth Rich's own parents have now admitted he was in touch with WikiLeaks. FBI has admitted in reviewing Seth Rich laptop they found Communications between him and WikiLeaks.

Everything is clearly stated in the article with detailed links, it is not a 'conspiracy theory' (a CIA term).

The problem is that people have been trained to internalize the official narrative, discounting any fact that doesn't fit as part of a "conspiracy".

Kim.com who has viewed all the emails in question has written to Robert Mueller providing him with substantial information.

It does not fit the establishment narrative of Russian hacking, to investigate any of this so therefore it is swept under the carpet.
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
>1 y
No, Fox News put out that story, and retracted it on May 16, and admitted it wasn't true. Unfortunately they are wrong about half the time, but don't retract quite as publicly. The story (a Hannity and Alex Jones conspiracy theory--I've never known them to do anything else) alleged that an FBI forensics examination showed that Seth Rich leaked work emails to WikiLeaks before he was fatally shot. Seth's Rich's family also debunked the story when it came out on Fox. On the contrary, they sent a cease and desist letter (18 May 2017), threatening to sue Wheeler (the person who put a video online saying "thank you for spreading the story") if he continued to make comments about the case to the media. The family also responded vehemently to the rumor through their spokesman Brad Bauman, saying the claims were false and that the stories were exacerbating their grief. Since all that isn't true, why in the world would you think kim.com (who isn't anyone but an internet entrepreneur) would have access to anything that's the least bit like evidence?
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