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Responses: 6
CPT Jack Durish
The more important lesson here, the one that will be lost in the weeds, is that we do not have honest journalism in America. All journalists have a point of view. All journalists have always had a point of view. But honest journalists reported the news with brevity. A few column inches was all that was needed to report the facts, just the facts. When they ramble, the facts are lost in opinion. And now that opinion has been organized. Opinion has been replaced by narrative and narrators select only those facts that fit the narrative, and invent facts to prove the narrative.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
>1 y
Sounds like insights into the origins of fake news. Journalists have lost all cred in this day and age as they unashamedly come out for or against a particular issue or ideology using their soapbox to spread their slant and narrative on an issue under the guise of reporting.
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MCPO Roger Collins
About time for the next shiny object, obstruction of justice. The collusion object has become very tarnished and worn out.
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LTC David Brown
Good article. It is like the media’s reporting on Reagan as the “amiable dunce”. Or the slow uncle everybody loves etc. it wasn’t until after Reagan,s death that a large box of well researched and thought out position Reagan had honed over decades turned up. While traveling as host of Death Valley Reagan read and researched.
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