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Responses: 3
Maj John Bell
I've read all the posts in this thread so far. I've read the article. I'm an EMT and on the EMT side I understand the concept of "frequent flyers." So I don't understand the comments.

As an EMT, we go on a hand full of lift assist calls every year. Nobody fell. Nobody is injured. Nobody is in pain. An elderly person living a lone dropped her microwave dinner and she can't safely bend over and pick it up. It is a legitimate call, but we don't take vitals, or do an exam, or provide any medical interventions. We don't do a full five formal report page report. It gets logged in what time we left the station, arrived on scene, left the scene, were back in service, and we're back in station.

If there were 45 or 39 calls to the gun man's residence (I will never publicly use his name) but he only shows up in 23 of those calls, then the other 22 or 16 calls are irrelevant. Without seeing the details of the calls and the reports filed (which may not have been required under County policies, as I kind of explained above), its a little early to start building the gallows and tying the hangman's nooses.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
The narrative is the NRA allowed this young kid who recently lost both parents to legally purchase a weapon of war and unleash it on innocent school children. We need to ban firearms now and we need to target the NRA, those that advertise with, and their supporters.

A very different story is emerging that is quite the opposite. But the above narrative is being broadcast with breathless updates from the MSM pushing their political narrative.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I understand, gun grabber's don't care if their train of thought is logical or contains truth. That doesn't obligate me to zip it. I guess I should try a different tack. I will "acknowledge" their intellectual "superiority" and ask them to instruct me in their "truthiness" and explain it to me, since I am not as "astute" as they are.

Hey gun grabbers! Over here! I am not as smart as you. But if you have the time, can you explain the relevance of the 16-22 police visits to the Parkland Florida gun man's home; when he was not the subject of the call?

What do you think LTC Martin, will they take the bait?
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LT Brad McInnis
This doesn't look good for Broward County.... but I will tell you that if you dig far enough you will always find more stuff...
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SPC Margaret Higgins
Edited >1 y ago
LTC (Join to see): I just don't understand what happened....and, why nothing was done.
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