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Responses: 7
LTC Special Operations Response Team (Sort)
All politicians primarily seek to enrich the wealthy and corporations. It’s built into our idiotic encumbent lobbyist system.
The republicans openly Ive more to super wealthy and preach trickle down economic which economist and history has proven to be false. According to statistics they also most closely mirror the values of the average American accoss the entire United States.
The democrats pander to the wealthy and top corporations too while talking about social justice and minorities while doing nothing but taking. Consider bill Clinton’s relationship with Wall Street and just look at where the political donations flow from. Obama had the Senate, the Congress and the presidency in control of Democrats. Why didn’t he pass DACA and protect the immigrants. Why did real income, crime and poverty skyrocket in minority communities under obama. Truth be told it is Because democrats don’t really want to fix the issues. They need to inflame these issues and make they worse in order to hold minorities and immigrants hostage to the party of slavery that couldn’t give a crap about anything but the votes.
Don’t get me wrong, I can read and remember Iran contra, and the rest with the republicans.
America. We are being duped into a false dichotomy. We are being programmed to stop thinking and react based on hollow slogans instead based on values and rule of law.
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SSG Infantryman
I was hoping this was going to be a legit article but again it's just someone's else's opinion. Journalism has gone from investigative facts to he said she said and this is what you should think. Thanks for wasting my time.
LCDR Naval Aviator
LCDR (Join to see)
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Did the "Opinion" title on the article not give it away?
SSG Infantryman
SSG (Join to see)
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Lol (facepalm)
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SSG James Arlington
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