Posted on Feb 20, 2018
Trump moves forward with plan to ban 'bump stocks'
Edited 7 y ago
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 11
Well look at that. He'll actually gain kudos from all sides that supported this measure since the Vegas shooting. You keep your rifle, you just can't have a bump stock to replicate an increased rate of fire.
PO3 John Wagner
MAJ James Woods - Here is something I must agree with and put forth an even better observation. If the freak had practiced single shot fire with any seriousness then the tragedy would probably have been far far worse.
I'd rather see somedingdong blowing off his clips in largely comparison..burst.
I'd rather see somedingdong blowing off his clips in largely comparison..burst.
MAJ James Woods
LCpl Arthur Forbes - "The reason why the NRA does not yield on any firearm regulations is because it sets a dangerous precedent..." I remember the same argument in history books under the chapter of Civil Rights. In summation, giving equal rights to non-White Americans sets a dangerous precedent for other things they will want.
Our 2nd Amendment is not at risk cause this nation will never vote for it's repeal nor for a ban on all weapons. Mass shootings should not become commonplace. And tell me again the NRA's position on mental health individuals having access to firearms. It's not "don't sell them a gun".
Our 2nd Amendment is not at risk cause this nation will never vote for it's repeal nor for a ban on all weapons. Mass shootings should not become commonplace. And tell me again the NRA's position on mental health individuals having access to firearms. It's not "don't sell them a gun".
MAJ James Woods
LCpl Arthur Forbes - Many people who advocate to abolishing the 2nd Amendment doesn't mean there's a populist movement of a majority of Americans that want it abolish. Just like there are many people that want to abolish the 1st Amendment but they too are in the extreme minority. Restricting 'the most popular' rifle of today would mean....a person finds another favorite firearm.
HIPPA is a law. Congress can change and modify laws. NRA lobbies Congress. Thus, any law that would require the medical community to notify law enforcement of dangerous individuals with violent mental health behavior in order to add them to NICS is lobbied against by the NRA not the medical community. Tell me another one.
Next, I never said I wanted the AR outlawed. If there was to be a legal confiscation of weapons as result of a ban, a weapons buy back program is the easy solution; then again, there is no federal requirement to register firearms so 'honor system' would be in effect. Again, I never said I was for banning AR-15s or any other weapon.
You just compared gun control laws to Jim Crow laws. Absurd. Did you also know those same Jim Crow laws did not allow Black Americans to own a firearm in some localities regardless of 2nd Amendment? Tell me another one. Gun control: everyone has right to a gun just with certain limits and regulations. Jim Crow: you folk don't have any rights and we'll harass you whenever you attempt to be treated equally.
HIPPA is a law. Congress can change and modify laws. NRA lobbies Congress. Thus, any law that would require the medical community to notify law enforcement of dangerous individuals with violent mental health behavior in order to add them to NICS is lobbied against by the NRA not the medical community. Tell me another one.
Next, I never said I wanted the AR outlawed. If there was to be a legal confiscation of weapons as result of a ban, a weapons buy back program is the easy solution; then again, there is no federal requirement to register firearms so 'honor system' would be in effect. Again, I never said I was for banning AR-15s or any other weapon.
You just compared gun control laws to Jim Crow laws. Absurd. Did you also know those same Jim Crow laws did not allow Black Americans to own a firearm in some localities regardless of 2nd Amendment? Tell me another one. Gun control: everyone has right to a gun just with certain limits and regulations. Jim Crow: you folk don't have any rights and we'll harass you whenever you attempt to be treated equally.
MAJ James Woods
LCpl Arthur Forbes - Yeah I brought up that I read about the same style of argument of setting precedent was used during Civil Rights movement meaning it's a cop out argument. I compared the argument of 'setting precedents'. You compared gun laws to Jim Crow laws which is not an apples to apples comparison since one regulated existing rights while the other attempted to strip away rights completely. Yet somehow I'm the racist cause you don't comprehend the historical purpose and intent behind the implementation Jim Crow laws. You should keep that white privilege card for the next ignorant comment you make. I'll even let you keep the 'Trump card' you're hiding up your sleeve.
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