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Responses: 2
1SG Joseph Yorski, MHS
I haven't seen it. I'm not planning on seeing it. Does that mean I'm a racist? I don't think so. My reason is I've never found the character to be interesting. At all. I also couldn't care less about Ant-man or the Wasp so I probably won't see that either. But to hear the media (ALL of it) talk, you'd think this was THE most important movie since "The Ten Commandments" and anyone who disagrees is a racist (and probably a sexist, homophobe, Trump supporter, too!). See it or don't see it, but the virtue-signaling by both the media and rabid supporters of this movie is ridiculous.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Good fiction is based in truth. Good non-fiction is based in fact. What can we say about fantasy? Well, it is fiction, though an extreme version, it must still be based in truth to be good. The only fantasy character I really thought was good fiction is Batman. Also, the idea that intelligence and creativity can be a super power appeals to me. If you want to indulge in "super powers" why not go all the way and watch "Prince of Space". Now there's a "being" with super super powers such that he is invincible. Boring...
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CMSgt Security Forces
Not surprising coming out of Hollywood.
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Read the article, it is surprising to see conservative ideals coming out of this particular movie.
CMSgt Security Forces
CMSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - Did read the article - have not seen the movie. I was responding to CPT Jack Durish's input. The media polarization of this movie has been insane. I have the impression the stereotypes this movie depicts may not be beneficial to our kids, based on this article. Thus, "Not surprising coming out of Hollywood." Conservative ideology notwithstanding.
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