Posted on Feb 19, 2018
Doctors blast Trump's mental illness focus to fight violence
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 10
This is not in the comprehensive diagnosis list of the ICD9 but the shooter was bat shit crazy.. if mental health experts were not called in why? If they couldn’t help what are they worth? I wonder if these are the same folks that diagnosed Trump without seeing him?
LTC David Brown
CDR (Join to see) - most schools have counselors. Was he counseled and recommended for evaluation? I f a student has as many problems and issues as he did it seems there are issues, he should have had his parents called in, told he ain’t right, get help, if you can not afford help we will try to get an evaluation. Etc. If you took guns away from every one how long before these kids are stealing trucks etc to mow people down with? Wait till the cross walk is full and the front of the school is packed.
MCPO Roger Collins
Most of this was done, as I understand the events, that is why he was expelled from two schools prior to the shootings. As far as the school, why in the world was he buzzed in if the school had expelled him, particularly with a book bag. It isn't as much a gun issue, that was just the murder weapon of choice. We must, as a nation, get to the root cause. It's like all the sexual assaults/harassment in the military. We treat the event, not do a serious study as to why these occurrences have escalated over the past couple decades.
MCPO Roger Collins
With your limited experience, military and life, I understand your frame of reference. But, nothing new here, your statement on sexual offenses is flat out wrong, when the longer term is considered. BTW, from past postings, your limited analysis is somewhat biased.
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