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Responses: 12
CPT Jack Durish
What sort of parade? Involving how many troops? Where conducted? Will military hardware be paraded? Isn't it absolutely amazing how anyone can put a price on all this when nothing is known about it? And people claim that psychic powers are just a bunch of hokum
MAJ Field Artillery Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Jack, I agree with you. And I add how is the POTUS who is driving our kids deeper into debt to China and the like can justify spending the money when he is cutting families off from food stamps (SNAP) and giving himself and his kids giant tax breaks. If POTUS is so rich, he should pay for the parade, transportation costs, military salaries, costs to DC, and any other costs associate with HIS parade.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) - Or he can find a sponsor like they do with the $6-10 million annual fireworks in New York City. $10 million for an hour long parade is not unreasonable and I don't see him sitting around for 5 hours for a $30 million parade.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
Yeah, how COULD anyone put a price on such a thing, especially the White House Budget Director, appointed by Donald Trump himself? How could he make such a preposterous claim.... but hen, he is from the Trump White House, and you have to take anything from that White House with a certain degree of skepticism, especially when that liberal rag Navy Times is reporting on it..
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
I love parades, as long as I am not marching in them.

Perhaps we could get all of the non deployable people the military is going to boot out and make them march in a parade. They aren't doing much else. I am sure there would be a stack of light duty chits you could not run and jump if they were asked to march/walk a couple of miles.
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PO3 Steven Stinnett
On our return to San Francisco from our first tour of Vietnam, Chief Burwell was so excited, he told us how San Francisco laid out the red carpet after W.W.2, free drinks, a fantastic Military Parade honoring the troops, and what happened, we were restricted to base due to protesters/riots in Oakland/Alameda. he was so crushed, he then retired...It means a lot to many people...
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
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PO3 Steven Stinnett, The last thing I wanted, when I landed at Oakland, was a parade. We had already been indoctrinated there would be some maggots waiting for us to protest our being in Vietnam. We were ordered to say nothing and keep moving. That was hard to do with the spitting and name calling going on. I didn’t understand what we had done wrong. It didn’t take long to go into a shell and never speak about it. This parade will be to honor the Military, but there will be protestors there. Hopefully there won’t be a riot caused by those maggots.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - well said and very true.
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SSG Diane R.
It's not "Trump's parade", its a parade honoring America's military forces and veterans.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
>1 y
The negative rhetoric is directed at POTUS by political and personal enemies, including the fake-news media. Another example of political rhetoric is comparing it to a 'show of force' which is another red-herring. I see it as a show of national pride and appreciation for all service member, veterans of any conflict - living or deceased, and their families. Some people would rather dishonor the country and those who serve. The real cost of freedom comes from within.
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
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National pride? He said America wasn't great and wants to make it great again. America has always been a great country. For the vets? Didn't he dog out POW McCain? The Gold Star family? Vets and National pride? Really think that? The freaking parade is to stroke his EGO. Don't cover up for a guy who never served. As a veteran, you should definitely know better. Not one mention of his non military service. Just costs and who its for. I am really surprised by the folks here.
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
>1 y
No one said it was for that honoring military forces and veterans. Not the President. Not even Fox. The closest Fox came was quoting Sarah: "Trump wants the Pentagon to "explore a celebration" that will allow Americans to show appreciation for the military." What he said was he wanted "a grand parade with troops marching and tanks rolling." Perhaps the military would feel appreciation with another option, like bonuses.
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
For what reason? You will not find a reason that makes sense. Well he doesn't make sense.
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