Posted on Feb 9, 2018
Deploy or get out: New Pentagon plan could boot thousands of non-deployable troops
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
There seem to be far too many efforts to separate people from the military and I notice and increase in injuries in excesses caused by unreasonable physical activity dictated by non medical Military authorities. I have no problem with normal fitness requirements that have always been needed but when certain desk jockeys make decisions for what others should have to do or perform unrealistic tasks that they themselves don't have to and wouldn't anyway or even be capable of I see a problem. I still feel You have to look at the individual cases and not make blanket decisions on others. There is a difference however with non compliance vs disabling injuries caused directly by poor decisions by the very source of the risk for injury. Do We need deadwood that can't carry on their duties ? of course not but We need to be very carful to avoid kneejerk overreaction also which seems to be an increasing problem of its own and lack of concern for the very people that are serving this country and its Armed Forces. It seem far more often than is acceptable some toxic leadership steps into the picture. An opinion by Me based on seeing some abuses ta actually helped cause the problems and injuries by doing and requiring things We never would have done to our own people ! Perhaps others here on RP have some observations or opinions on this subject area ?
Col Dan Ketter
Larry visit any AF or naval base and plain as day that weight standards are non existant. Now go visit an Army base or Marine base and its night and day difference. No one expects our troops to be Greek gods but jelly rolls aren't wanted either
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Col Dan Ketter - I would have to agree on seeing people that do NOT meet physical standard's .of weight etc. I've yet to see anyone in the Marines that didn't meet standards and not most but a few Army troops that were as we call them "Dump Trucks" In other services many times it depends on the job assignment if they keep in standards or not it seems. Often if the troops are NOT in shape neither are their leaders. There is still such a thing as overkill and working people up to being in shape with a proper graduated program to improve their condition, NOT injure them which serves no one well. Its actually not that hard to stay in shape but some effort is usually needed. I'm certainly not in favor of physical wrecks and when i was in My mid 60s on a Federal contract and out performing 20 year old service members in PT including pushups, sit ups, running etc. and had no weight change in over 40 years. (6'2". 190 ) I know I have a metabolism that helps and stay active and well within standards. Actually I do agree with You but was pointing out an abuse I have seen which was beyond reasonable on getting people not in shape or in shape but just with bigger builds who may exceed weight but not actual physical condition.
Each situation is different, but the high numbers to me indicate that commanders are under pressure to keep their assigned totals up, opting to get after NDP problems once a mission surfaces.
Truly, there is no excuse for NDP situations for stuff like dental and shots to go on for years. This indicates disengaged leadership.
Likewise, there are Soldiers who hide from deployments by contracting a health issue too. Those are the ones that really need to be cracked down upon.
Truly, there is no excuse for NDP situations for stuff like dental and shots to go on for years. This indicates disengaged leadership.
Likewise, there are Soldiers who hide from deployments by contracting a health issue too. Those are the ones that really need to be cracked down upon.
I know the actives didn't automatically discharge someone who wasn't worldwide qualified but when did the National Guard start doing that? Or is it just the Army National Guard? Or is it different in each state, Army or Air? I ask this because that's exactly why I had to retire from the ANG...I wasn't worldwide qualified according to command. And that only because my doctor didn't know how to answer a military question.
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