Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
He wants to preen on the stage during the review, like Mussolini, Stalin, Kim and others of that ilk. We throw that kind of parade, but only after the war a has been won and we leave out the hardware for the most part.
Sorry SFC Shirley Whitfield but while some might think Putin is the inspiration, everything I've seen indicates the inspiration is the 2 hour parade the French put on for him. He was impressed.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
He was impressed by the French military tradition? That could be true since he has seemingly no knowledge or understanding of history.
LTC (Join to see)
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - I didn't say JS about his being impressed by French military tradition. He was impressed by a roughly 2 hour French parade. If you want to criticize him and have some merit, you might have some justification for observing that he doesn't appear to recognize the difference between "show" and "go" ... as in "all show and no go." On the other hand, the French have done a few things well on their own in Africa of late. Obama was certainly appreciative of them and content to let them take the lead, particularly in ground operations, in Africa.

France Is Slowly Reclaiming Its Old African Empire
The French are back in Africa—and it’s not just to keep Islamists at bay.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
LTC (Join to see) - I have no trouble with the french miltary, they are better than they are normally shown to bre in American media but an American president thinking that adopting their military traditions is a good thing is bizarre, and the fact that such paraded are the trademark of authoritarian scums and dictators does not help
If he wants to show he cares about the military this very old clip give a suggestion,
If he wants to show he cares about the military this very old clip give a suggestion,
LTC (Join to see)
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - Clearly from my comments I don't support such a parade so the only issue we have is your characterization of Trump wanting to adopt the French "military traditions" ... and I don't see that as the case. He saw the parade, liked it, and wants to do something similar (but longer). It isn't a matter of "adopting" anything - French or otherwise.
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