Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
I have read 3 article from some scientist that state we do not have enough data from the past for climate models to be accurate. Plus some models have tainted data from scientist scamming the system because they needed a certain result to get the grants to keep coming in.
CPT Jack Durish
Very true. We don't have enough data minute-by-minute to know what's happening right now. I'm a sailor. I've sat becalmed while others have sailed past me with fair breezes. How do you measure that? As a sailor I studied the weather. I can read weather maps and make some gross predictions by simple observations. My text, Sea and Air, published by the Naval Institute, spoke of the relationship of two fluid environments just as this presenter did. As he says, one fluid is unpredictable, the interactions between two is a total mystery. And, yes, "scientists" have been caught jiggering the data to suit their purposes.
SSG (Join to see)
Plus we still do not have enough data about the earth's past weather changes, we know that the earth tends to run in cycles of heating and ice ages, the temperatures in general around the time of the dinosaurs was much higher in average than our current weather. And we have actually just came out of an ice age about 50,000 years ago, how does that play into this weather pattern. The oceans control a large portion of our weather patterns with the thermal currents, this can be disrupted and change our weather patterns as well. My question is, over the last 3 year, 2015, 2016, 2017 in my neck of the woods two of those summer have been the mildest I can remember and even our local weather guy has stated that. Yet some are claiming our overall temp went up.
Thanks CPT Jack Durish for an excellent summary of the real challenges (even for objective scientists) in predicting such a complex system. I fear that only the older generation of physicists (no longer competing for grant money) will be willing to come forward with such truths.
Sorry for being a physics guy. First, what is being debunked?
Modeling, something like this is like modeling chaos theory without knowing the variables. Bifurcations like this can’t even be done by big blue. Any scientist can’t explain something to someone who’s already full of opinion. That’s why I stopped posting, few care about the science anymore. Sadly enough...
Modeling, something like this is like modeling chaos theory without knowing the variables. Bifurcations like this can’t even be done by big blue. Any scientist can’t explain something to someone who’s already full of opinion. That’s why I stopped posting, few care about the science anymore. Sadly enough...
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