Posted on Feb 1, 2018
Tennessee student suspended after viral anti-bullying video hurts feelings of principal and...
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
I posted this Yesterday here is what I had to say.
Seems this young lady became very upset after one of her class mates committed suicide due to bullying, So hear her tell it she got permission from 2 Teachers and did her little free style rap and posted it to youtube. I listened to what she said and a few points come up.
1: Sorry young lady your not special in your complaints, EVERYONE that has attended High school has had the same complaints. This is part of the growing up process and entry into adulthood.
2: Sorry Young lady you have learned a second valuable lesson, those with power who view you weak will abuse it. You should not have been suspended for this Video, You should not have had your free speech violated for expressing you thoughts and feelings, regardless of where it took place.
3: People who want to silence you will always invent a reason too. (I did not hear her ever incite violence at the school during the video)
4: Bullies will always get away with being bullies until good people stand up against them. Till good people demand action of those who "enforce" the rules.
5: Zero tolerance has created a class of victims who have no way to defend themselves with out being punished. This is no different than the Liberal policy that you can not shoot a home invader, or carjacker, or someone trying to murder you. That you are not allowed to defend your life or property. Congratulations on learning how the Democrats work at such a young age.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, I hope she doesn't catch it.
Seems this young lady became very upset after one of her class mates committed suicide due to bullying, So hear her tell it she got permission from 2 Teachers and did her little free style rap and posted it to youtube. I listened to what she said and a few points come up.
1: Sorry young lady your not special in your complaints, EVERYONE that has attended High school has had the same complaints. This is part of the growing up process and entry into adulthood.
2: Sorry Young lady you have learned a second valuable lesson, those with power who view you weak will abuse it. You should not have been suspended for this Video, You should not have had your free speech violated for expressing you thoughts and feelings, regardless of where it took place.
3: People who want to silence you will always invent a reason too. (I did not hear her ever incite violence at the school during the video)
4: Bullies will always get away with being bullies until good people stand up against them. Till good people demand action of those who "enforce" the rules.
5: Zero tolerance has created a class of victims who have no way to defend themselves with out being punished. This is no different than the Liberal policy that you can not shoot a home invader, or carjacker, or someone trying to murder you. That you are not allowed to defend your life or property. Congratulations on learning how the Democrats work at such a young age.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, I hope she doesn't catch it.
Sgt Wayne Wood
wish i could give you MORE thumbs up... like one for EACH AND EVERY bullet point.
BRAVO ZULU CPO (Join to see)
BRAVO ZULU CPO (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish
I’m offended by ou suggesting that I might be offended. You caused a microaggression ...
I don’t see whY they suspended her. Is a long rant and not complimentary of the school but she is a Free citizen, she was appropriate and it shoulda like she
I’m offended by ou suggesting that I might be offended. You caused a microaggression ...
I don’t see whY they suspended her. Is a long rant and not complimentary of the school but she is a Free citizen, she was appropriate and it shoulda like she
LTC (Join to see)
I am concerned what they are teaching her about free speech and justice by punishing her. I’m curious what is the context and what rule they are saying she violated.
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