Posted on Jan 30, 2018
Are China’s Nuclear Subs Too Noisy for Their Own Good?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 4
LCDR (Join to see) In Chinese, Russian, & North Korean subs, noise is a good thing! The more noise..the better! That way, if and when the bubble goes up we can take them out real quick!
LCDR (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel I cannot disclose too much about the exploitable sources on a Victor III but I can tell you if it is moving it is making nose that can be tracked by a surface ship. These are poorly made copies of that so I agree with the article that they should be even louder then their Soviet made counter parts. But, I have never operated or done a reconstruction on a Type 093 do I could be mistaken. Just FYI a toilet flushing would be considered a transient in the SONAR world like the tube doors opening, trash dumping ect...
CWO3 Dennis M.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Yep, they have to flush the toilets a lot, it comes from eating North Korean Kim Che!
LT Brad McInnis
LCDR (Join to see) - They may be noisy, but I wonder what kinds of numbers they have?
LCDR (Join to see)
LT Brad McInnis - 5 only two are active, they spend a lot more effort on their diesel electric which are basically copies of the Kilo. They once killed 70 sailors on one, a fishing trawler found it adrift at sea.
It would be my preference that this type information was classified. The summary to this article is going to be the result. Further R&D into making their subs more silent and dangerous.
CWO3 Randy Weston
The specific construction techniques and system operation are classified. I don't think I worked on anything that the prints were not marked confidential. That includes the flushing valve on the toilets! Which by the way you could not hear.
MCPO Roger Collins
Not my point, as a career submarine sailor, I am well aware of our efforts to maintain security. What we know about our adversaries without them knowing what we know, is sometimes more important to us so that we can develop countermeasures to defeat them. This type information should not be revealed.
CWO3 Randy Weston
Sorry Master Chief, I misunderstood. I concur on the countermeasure intel. For the most part, I feel we do a decent job on both fronts. We are called the the silent service for a reason. :)
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