Posted on Jan 25, 2018
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) at RIT - In their own words
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
The future is going to be interesting to say the least- not sure how I would fare in the future if I had to start over.
Sgt Trevor Barrett
Maj Marty Hogan- I am sure that you would be just fine in the future! I think that you would be leading the way just like you are now.
Maj Marty Hogan
Thank you Sgt Trevor Barrett I learn it but it is a lot of frustration getting there. Perfection is my weakness. My grandkids take right to it and make transitions really easy. I think it too deep. I am excited to see what tomorrow brings. We actually had a black n white TV and remember when we got our first color one. The things I have seen advance since then amaze me.
Presentations like this almost make me wish to be young again. Then I take two aspirin and a nap and the feeling goes away. Yes, technology is exciting and I'd love to be a part of it again. But, been there, done that. I participated in several efforts expanding the envelope. My first opportunity came in the Army where I first learned computer architecture (software and hardware) while participating in the first successful effort to automate communications terminals. At the end of my career, I was architecting software and hardware systems for web portals, then in their infancy. To be fair, my brushes with technology were at the frontier, crude by comparison to this stuff. But is there any place more exciting than a frontier. Whether it be the frontier of civilization, the frontier of space, or the frontier of technology, or any other frontier, once it is breached it never can be revisited except in memories. So, for all you young'uns, take my advice: Go find your own frontier...
Sgt Trevor Barrett
CPT Jack Durish- Very well said sir and thank you for the sage advice! We still need folks that have your experience and wisdom; dare I say more than ever!!
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